Growing Up

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Mummy, tomorrow is our inter sport competition, I hope you are coming to encourage me?

Of course dear, trust me I will be there, in place and in time. Just do your best and make mummy proud.

Annie, is the only child of her single mother, a beautiful girl of ten years old, intelligent , smart, and the envy of other mother's ...

Her father abandoned her and her mother, before she was born .Her mother vividly told her how it all happened .

On a Sunday morning, Joan who is Annie mother, was in the sitting room when Charles walked in looking very sad and confused.

" babe, what is wrong with you, you looking so dull and confused? "
At once he burst into tears, " am so sorry but this can't work , am no longer interested in this relationship , I no more love you. As for my child I promise to show her all the love, and affection I can show....

Back to reality, Am ready mum and my friends are already waiting for me outside ...

" okay dear, be a good girl I will be there shortly okay". She yelled from the kitchen .....

"Mummy, please try and come oh, my friends parents will be there too.....

" oh dear child, I will come is it not me your mother again."

" okay mum, take care and bye, kisses.........

Annie and her mother are very close pals, they never kept secrets from each other.........

I pause here,
Just be ready for the next chapter.
Please just read and enjoy yourself .......

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