Not Ready

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Walking into his shared apartment with Percy and Jason, he grumpily put his things down on he counter.

"Something wrong?" Percy asked, pausing his conversation with Jason.

"No," Nico sighed, and though for a second, "Do you guys- do you guys think you could, like, stay some where else on Will and I's anniversary in a few weeks?"

"Why?" Percy asked, and Jason elbowed him, giving him a look, causing Nico to blush.

"Ooooooh, yeah, we got you," Percy smirked.

Nico mumbled his thanks, and went to his room, flopping on his bed


When it was officially their 3rd year anniversary, Nico was anxious all through dinner. He just wanted to enjoy his time with Will, in a restaurant that took months to save money to get a table at, but he couldn't help but think back to his empty apartment and what would be happening tonight. .

"Are you sure you're okay, Nico? You seem really off."

"Yeah, there is just a lot of people here," he said, which wasn't necessarily a lie.

"Do we need to go?" Nico quickly shook his head, giving Will a small smile.

"No, we worked hard to save money for this place, I want to enjoy it with you." Will's lips were pursed, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I love you, but if your are really that anxious we should leave."

"I don't want to leave," he said seriously. Will sighed, nodded.

"Okay. How about after dinner we go and get ice cream?" Will smiled, "their desert option here is to fancy for me." Nico laughed.

"That works for me."


Nico was the last to finish his ice cream, but Will didn't seem to mind in the slightest. The ice cream parlor was much more empty that the restaurant they were at, which made Nico calm down a bit, but he was still on edge.

When Nico had finished off his ice cream, Will smiled and threw away their trash, than walked back and took Nico's hand in his.

"Should we call it a night?"

"No," Nico said quickly, gripping Will's hand, "uh, why don't we go back to my place and watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," Will smiled softly, tugging Nico to his car.
In the car though, Nico couldn't help from bouncy his leg nervously as Will drove, and was thankful that Will didn't seem to notice.

Walking into the apartment, Nico dropped his keys in a small bowl by the door.

"How about we get in pajamas before we start the movie?" Nico suggested, to which Will nodded.

"I don't have any pajamas here," Will said. Nico looked at him.

"I have a few of your sweat shirts," he admitted sheepishly, "and, I don't know, you can just chill in your boxers I guess."

"Mm, I don't think I'm exactly comfortable with Percy and Jason seeing me in my underwear." Nico blushed, looked away.

"They aren't going to be here tonight." After a few seconds, Will spoke up.

"Why?" Nico shrugs.

"I asked them if they could go some where else for the night." Nico looks at Will, and sees a stupid smirk on his lips, "stop it!"

"What?" Will laughed, "I didn't do anything." Nico huffed.

"I'm going to change." He walked off to his room, and quickly change into his pajamas.

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