The Flu

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Because the flu is going around like a fuckin' plague
Also Will having light bending powers thanks

Nico woke up feeling nauseous, and was quickly bolting from his bed to the bathroom, throwing up into toilet bowl.

With a groan he leaned back in his heels, only just now realizing how much his head and stomach was nhurting. He let out a whine at the pain, wanting nothing more than for Will to come cuddle next to him.

Nico started retching again, leaning forward to the toilet.

Flushing the toilet, Nico rinses his mouth out with mouthwash and stumbled back to bed, falling asleep asleep again.


Around twelve, when Will still hadn't seen Nico, he went to his boyfriend's cabin to see what he was doing, Percy and Jason following along because 'it's Neeks he's my bro.'

Will knocked on the cabin door, calling out Nico's name. When he heard a small whine, he frowned.

"Nico?" He called, ignoring the way Percy and Jason were snickering (stupid dirty minds), he tried opening the door, but it wouldn't open, "Nico the door's locker, can you open it for me please?"

There was another whine, and then the door was opening. He scoffed at the shadowy man standing in front of him, smiling as he invited him inside. He shot a beam of light at the figure, dispersing the Nico's magic.

"What'd I say about using your powers?" He mumbled, and when he got no answer in response, frowned even more. He walked over, sitting on the bed next to him, and Nico looked at him.

"Please tell me you don't have the flu," Will sighed. Putting a hand to Nico's forehead. Nico's lips were in a small pout and he looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Please don't make me go to the infirmary," Nico whined, tears forming in his eyes, "Please, Will, I want to stay in my cabin, don't make me go."

Will wiped at Nico's eyes.

"Don't cry, you're going to make yourself sick," but tears slipped down his cheeks anyway, and he grabbed and the blankets surrounding him.

"Can I please stay in my cabin?" He asked, and Will sighed again.

"Usually, when someone is sick they're supposed to go to the infirmary so they can't get anyone else sick," he mumbled, but seeing the miserable look on Nico's face, "But I guess you're the only person who stays in this cabin. It couldn't hurt to let you stay here."

Nico let out a breath, and Will smiled softly at him, running a hand through Nico's hair.

"I don't know if I'll be able to take time off at the infirmary, there's a lot of sick people," he said, "but I could check in on you every now and then, if you need me you could iris message me."

He ran another hand through his hair, and Nico sighed, closing his eyes.

"I need to run to the infirmary to get you some medicine, okay? I'll be right back," Nico nodded, opening his eyes, and Will smiled at him. When he stood up, he saw Oercy and Jason still in the doorway, and he rolled his eyes, "You two need to leave, I don't want either of you getting the flu."

They both nod, and then they're all walking out of the cabin. Will goes to the infirmary and finds Kayla.

"Hey," he says, walking up to her, and she rolls her eyes.

"What do you want?" Will smiled brightly.

"Do you think you could cover my shifts for a few days? I only have, like, two people here, but Nico's sick and he doesn't want to come to the infirmary."

"Well, you know, a lot of people don't want to come to the infirmary-"

"Yeah, but it's not like he's going to get anyone sick by staying in his cabin, he's the only one in there, plus coming to the infirmary makes him really anxious and being anxious and sick isn't good for him," he reasoned, giving her a puppy dog look. She sighed.

"Fine, Solace. Give me your patients charts and get out of here," he smiled brightly at her.

"Thanks, Kayla!" He ran to grab the charts, along with medice and a water bottle, and left after giving the charts to his sister.

When he got back to the Hades cabin, Nico was curled around a stuffed cat he had.

"I wanna real cat," he mumbled, and Will chuckled, walking over and set the water on the table beside his bed, as well as the medicine.

"Do you think you could take some medicine, Neeks?" He asked, and Nico sighed before he nodded.

Will helps Nico sit up, letting Nico lean into him, and reaches over and unscrews the bottle cap handing it to Nico, then handing him a couple of pills.

Nico swallows them with a grossed out look and hands the bottle back over to Will, who put in back in the bedside table.

Will scooted further up on the bed, patting one of his legs, and Nico smiled softly, placing his head on Will's lap, sighing when Will ran his fingers through his hair.

It was only a matter of minutes before he was falling asleep again, and Will shuffled so he was laying down, cuddling Nico close to his chest.

Part two of girls (guys) name is almost done.

Leave a comment if you have a request, send me a message if you'd like to write a chapter with me :)



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