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A one shot I did with FlyingKittysDance If anyone else wants to do a collab with me, send me a message, I'd love to!


Nico sat on his bed nervously, he had called his boyfriend, Will, to come over not to long ago. He wanted to tell Will that he was trans, he had to, now that they were dating. He trusted Will, even if they hadn't been dating long, they had been friends for years. Will would accept him, he knew he had nothing to worry about. The thought gave him a small amount of comfort, but his anxiety still wouldn't ease. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that everything was going to be okay.

Will said goodbye to his mother before he walked out the door. His boyfriend, Nico Di Angelo, had called him over for something. Because Nico just loved down the street, he walked there. Once he got there, he knocked on the door and tapped his foot, humming softly. He couldn't wait to see his precious little bean.

Nico bit his lip, his breath speeding up and his hands getting clammy as he walked down stairs. Hades stood in the doorway, talking with Will.

"Hey," Nico croaked, cleared his throat. Will gives him a blinding smile, and Nico flushes slightly, "why don't we go up to my room, I really need to talk to you." Will frowns, but's nods and follows Nico. When they got into his room, Nico closes the door and swallows thickly, going over and sitting on his bed.

Will sits next to him and hugs him gently.

"What's up, Neeks?" He asks. Nico takes a deep breath, biting his lip. He couldn't believe he was doing this. Maybe he should turn back or-

"I'm transgender," Nico said. And emotion filled Nico's eyes that Will knew right away. Shame. Nico was ashamed of himself. Will couldn't even believe Nico was ashamed.

"Nico, that's alright. I still love you." He tightened his grip on the younger boy. Nico sniffles and began to cry softly.

"R-Really?" He asked, slowly hugging Will back. He couldn't believe Will accepted him. He felt great, but at the same time, he felt a bit sad. He didn't know why he was sad though.

Will flopped down so he was laying, bringing Nico with him, and Nico hesitantly snuggles closer to him, sniffling and wiping at his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Nico mumbles, "I know I should have told you sooner, but I was scared you would hate me or something."

"I could never hate you," Will replies, placing a kiss to the top of Nico's head, "You make me happy." Nico nodded, taking another deep breath.

"I," Nico wavers, then, "I don't know how long it'd be until I'm comfortable with you- you seeing me," he says, and Will gives him a comforting squeeze.

"That's okay, even if we never get to do anything like that, I'll still love you."

Nico smiled slightly, shoving his face into Will's chest.

"Thanks for being so understanding," he mumbled, "you are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for." Will chuckles and rubs a hand through Nico's softly fluffy hair.

"I know that already," he jokes, jumping slightly when he gets a call. He answers.

"Hello?" It was his mom on the other line. When they were done talking, Will said, "I have to go back home and cook supper," he sighs. Nico nods in understanding. Will stands up and walks out the door of his room.


It wasn't Nico's intention to make Will so angry, but apparently, having a nice time with your ex boyfriend wasn't the way to make him happy either.

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