The Nerds Page 1

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You transfered to a new school and being in a rich family household, meaning moving a lot.

The new school was named (Insert good name of school)

It was actually nice, everyone treated you with respect and didn't say anything bad to you but you kept thinking.

Are they being nice because I'm rich?

That thought bothered you throughout school. When it was lunchtime, a girl who you didn't know asked you to eat with her.

You didn't a word but she took that as a "yes".

Then you noticed a boy in a red sweater vest was looking at you but turned away.

Then the girl said to you," don't pay attention to him, he's weird."

You looked at him once again and he was walking away upstairs to the roof top.

Why did he looked at me?

You said to the girl," sorry I have to go"

The girl tried to stop you but you didn't listen to her.

Without him noticing, you followed him upstairs secretly. Then he opened the door to the roof top.

Once he walked on the roof top, you peeked through the door.

That's when you saw six of them eating their lunch. They all looked the same, then the boy with messy hair and purple pants noticed you.

He pointed at your direction and said slightly," there's a girl over there..."

They all look in your direction, then the one wearing red asked," who are you?"

You walked from behind the door and showed yourself to them. You answered," I'm (L/N) (Y/N)"

The one wearing blue headphones questioned charmingly but a bit nervous," What brings you here, my dear?~"

"Oh um I followed him..because I wonder why he looked at me."

The boy wearing red was surprised and said," well I thought you were pretty."

He rubbed under his nose with his index finger and you asked," who are you six?"

The boy wearing pink said sweetly," Hello, I'm Todomatsu!" Then the boy wearing yellow shouted" Jyushimatsu!"

The boy wear blue headphones said charmingly," Karamatsu Matsuno, my dear-"

"Shut it..." someone kicked him in the stomach, it was the boy wearing purple. Then he said slightly," Ichimatsu..."

The boy wearing green said," my name is Matsuno Choromatsu-" then the boy wearing red pushed him and said," I'm Osomatsu."

"Don't push me, you stupid eldest brother!"

You questioned," brother?"

Osomatsu answered," oh, we're Sextuplet!"


You said," Sextuplet? Well I hope we become friends."

"Wait, you want to be friends"

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"Well no one really wants to be our friend."

"I'll be friends with you all starting today."

You smiled and all of them cheered happily.

Once your friendship with the Sextuplet started, everyone ignored you and some girls would call you names like "Bitch" or "ugly brat" behind your back.

You didn't cared but why were they acting like this now.

Everytime a matsu came up to talk to you, some students walking by would laugh.

You noticed it and you had to stop it.

When someone walked by you and started laughing, you said to them,"don't you gave anything better to do."

Then you would walk away from them. You still hung around the matsu brothers and you actually smiled around them.

One day, you got bullied but you tried to keep it a secret from the Sextuplet. However, they noticed it.

~Well sorry for miss spellings and for being so short! I was taking a break from writing but I'm making stories again! And still writing specials! Thanks for reading this page! What will happen next? Hope you have a wonderful day!~

Nerd!Osomatsu-San X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now