Truth or Neet? Page 4

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~Welcome to this part! Remember it's all fun in games until someone falls in love. Let's start the story~
You looked at them then grabbed a empty water bottle from the couch. You said to them,"alright, get in a circle."

They all followed what you instructed and you laughed a bit then placed the water bottle in the middle of the circle.

Osomatsu asked," can I spin it?"

You replied," sure, I don't mind that." When you joined the circle sitting betweem Ichi and Jyushi, Osomatsu spinned the bottle.

The bottle was spinning and the nerds were getting nervous. You were ready for who the bottle would point at.

The bottle stopped spinning and pointed at Ichi. He was nervous but he didn't show it one bit.

Ichi said,"..I'm first so.." Since Oso spinned the bottle, he had to thought of what to ask him.

Osomatsu face light up as he knew, he asked,"truth or dare?"

Ichi was silent for a bit then answered," Truth?"

"Well Ichimatsu..."


"Who do you like more in this circle?"

"....that's a dumb question..."

"But it's part of the game"


Everyone waited for his answer but he blushed slowly as he thought about it.

Kara questioned," Ichi, are you okay?"

Ichimatsu answered," yeah..Kara.."

Osomatsu smiled while asking," oh so you like Kara the most, Ichi?"

He blushed from embarrassment and said," WHAT?!'s wrong..."

Karamatsu said," Oh my brother, if you felt that way then it's ok--"

"Shut up..."

Karamatsu got slient and Ichimatsu was blushing a bit, Osomatsu said," Well things will get more interesting soon."

You got nervous inside as Osomatsu said that but still felt a bit comfortable with the game playing with them.

Ichi spinned the bottle and it stopped on Todo. Todomatsu said," oh it landed on me."

Ichimatsu asked," are you scared?.."


"Okay then...truth or dare?"


Ichimatsu smiled and said," I dare you to tell us that we're the best brothers ever."

Todo was shocked and he replied," there's no way I could do that--"

"You picked dare.."


Todomatsu shouted and said quickly," my brothers are the best ever!"

Ichimatsu questioned," was it that hard?..."

"You're evil, Ichi-niisan."


Osomatsu smiled and said,"awww thank you, Todo!"

Todo weakly smiled and replied," hehe no problem."

Then Todomatsu begin to spin the bottle and it landed on Choro. He asked,"Choro-niisan, truth or dare?"

Choro thought about it for a second and answered," Truth."

"Which is your favorite brother?"

"Favorite? I don't have one."

"Ah, then choice at least someone."

He answered," maybe Ichimatsu."

"Oh well at least you choose."

Choromatsu just sighed and spinned the bottle, it landed on Jyushi.

Jyushimatsu cheered and Choromatsu asked," Jyushi, truth or dare?"


"Okay, hmmm let's see..hug Ichimatsu and Karamatsu."

Ichi and Kara sweated a bit, trying not to show it in front of you. Jyushi cheered," Sure!!!"

Jyushimatsu hugged Kara and Ichi tightly that they looked like they couldn't breathe.

When he let go, he asked," are you okay, niisans?"

Karamatsu smiled and spoke," Of course, next time make it harder!~"

Ichimatsu nodded and said,"...I'm okay.."

Jyushimats spinned the bottle quickly and when it finally slowed down, it pointed on Kara.

Karamatsu spoke,"Ah, the bottle has choosen me!~"

Jyushimatsu asked," Truth or dare?"


"Sing to (Y/N)"

Kara got nervous but calmingly said," s-sure"

Karamatsu looked at you and blushed a bit, he began singing but someone threw a pillow at him.

Kara questioned," W-Who did that?"

Everyone remain slience and Karamatsu just smiled, brushing it off.

Then Karamatsu spinned the bottle and it pointed towards Osomatsu.

Oso said,"Well I guess it's me again."

Kara asked," Truth or dare?"

"Dare, I'm all in!"

Karamatsu tried to think of a good one then he got a idea.

He spoke,"Tell (Y/N) how you feel about her, be honest, nothing but the truth~"

You smiled, waiting for Osomatsu's words. He was nervous including with his brothers watching him doing it.

He spoke,"(Y/N), I really love--"

Then your phone rang due to a timer set, saying it was midnight.

You questioned," are you guys sleepy?"

Osomatsu quickly answered," yeah, pretty much! Well off to bed."

Todo tried to stop him because he didn't finish the dare but Oso was still trying to head to bed. You laughed a bit.

Todo gave in and the others headed to bed. Choromatsu told you," there's a single bed for you, that is next to ours."

You thanked him with a smile on your face and he blushed.

You headed to bed too then when you closed your eyes, you said out loud,"Goodnight, you guys."

Oso smiled and said," Yeah, night."

Kara replied,"Sweet dreams, (Y/N)~"

Choro spoke,"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

Ichi sliently said,"..night..."

Jyushi yelled,"Goodnight, (Y/N)!!!"

Todo sweetly said," Nighty night."

You smiled and fell asleep, still wondering what Oso would have said.

~Sorry for any mistakes!!! I have been busy, school and all. But there's a very special story coming out soon! I hope you can wait. Thank you for reading, my sweeties!~

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