What In The World?{Crossover Special}

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~A special crossover with two stories that I'm writing so this the POV for this part and the other POV on the other story. Enjoy!~
You were wondering where the six brothers were.

This was suppose to be a camping trip outdoor with them, but none of them were to be seen.

You sighed and just try to look for a good camping spot then you would call Totty.

Then you heard a rustling in the bushes and you thought it was them but you were wrong.

A zombie that look like Osomatsu appeared in front of you and the other five behind him.

You were scared but didn't scream.

You questioned almost wanting to run,"O-Osomatsu, what happened to you?! And your brothers?! Why are your clothing different?!"

Osomatsu didn't reply instead looked confused just like his brothers.

Then you asked with fear," are you going to eat me?"

Karamatsu understood by shaking his head then Choromatsu gave you a dead flower.

You didn't know whether you should accept or not but evenutally you did accept it and you thanked him.

You could not tell but he was blushing.

One by one, the brothers wanted to help you, trying to calm your nerves and fears.

You felt more calm than before, you smiled and thanked them.

You asked," How did you guys turned to zombies?"

None of them knew how to answer, of course that means they didn't understand or they don't remember.

You asked them to led you to a good camping spot and Osomatsu agreed to take you there.

Then Osomatsu suddenly said," (Y/N)! {Your name from the zombie story}"

You questioned," who?"

Then they all ran away and you tried to caught up with them but they were fast, perhaps it is because they are dead.

You heard the screams of familiar voices then the six nerds ran into you from another direction.

You all fell to the ground and you asked," Ow...is that you guys?"

Osomatsu helped you up and questioned," are you okay?"

"Yeah, wait...weren't you guys dead a moment ago?"

Karamatsu answered," it might be a dream because you're here with us, (Y/N)~"

"A dream?"

Todomatsu said," it is a long dream then."

Jyushimatsu agreed with Totty by nodding.

Ichimatsu asked," are we going camping?"


Choromatsu said," then I know the perfect spot for our camping experience."

Osomatsu smiled then told Choromatsu to led the way then.

Jyushimatsu shouted happily," Camping!"

You smiled as you all followed Choromatsu to the camping site.

Still there was a thought in your head about those six zombies. Was it a dream? It felt real to you.

Then you realized you still had the dead flower in your hand.

It must be real.

~Sorry for any mistakes! Here is a short special story for my beloved readers. Thank you for reading!~

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