Nerds, To The Dance! Page 5

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The matsuno brothers were unsurprised that the dance was here, it was almost the end of the year.

That meant for the new years dance coming soon and the crowning of King and Queen who the students including teachers vote for.

You were surprised by this dance, this would be your first school dance too.

When you were on the rooftop with the matsuno brothers, you noticed that they looked down somehow.

You asked," What's wrong, you guys?"

They were startled by the sound of your voice.

Karamatsu spoke," Ah, it's alright, we're---"

Osomatsu cut him off by saying,"we're not fine."

All his brothers looked at him even you, then you questioned,"How?"

Osomatsu answered," We...don't have dates to the dance!"


All the brother began to tear up by the truth, you noticed and you thought of something quick.

You questioned without a second thought," How about I be your date for the dance?"

They all stopped tearing up and looked at you with widen eyes.

Todomatsu questioned," Really? are you sure?"

You nodded and answered," I would be okay with it."

They smiled happily as you agreed to go with them all to the dance.

Well at least, you didn't have to find a date.

Besides you were happy to go with the Mastuno brothers, they were very sweet to you all school year.

After school was over, the Mastuno brothers walked you home.

You knew that the dance would start at night around 9 PM so this gave you a chance to get ready.

You looked for the perfect dress, and your luck came true.

You found the dress that your mother gave you as a gift for the first day of school.

Before you could wear the dress, you took a quick bath and wore the dress with ease.

Then you did your hair yourself neatly and clean.

You didn't have time to do your makeup because it was 8:50 PM.

When you ran out the house, you bumped into Osomatsu who was waiting at your door when you opened it in a rush.

You fell on top of Osomatsu, you apologized for it but then questioned," Were you waiting for me? How long?"

He answered with a smile," Well you're our date, I-- well we only waited for 10 minutes."

You noticed his brothers behind wearing the color of suits that matched them well including Osomatsu himself.

Osomatsu helped you up and said," Shall we leave to the dance, (Y/N)?"

"Sure, Osomatsu."

You all walked to the school dance, you noticed that many girls were really pretty.

You didn't have a chance to even put on your makeup.

As you felt down to yourself, the brothers noticed and then Karamatsu asked," Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

You looked at him and answered with a nervous smile," Oh umm yeah, I'm okay."

Todomatsu looked at you and smiled sweetly while saying,"Don't worry, you're beautiful than these girls."

"Eh? You knew what I was thinking? Creepy..."

"Well your look gave it away, (Y/N)."

Osomatsu said to you with a wide smile," You're hotter than these girls any day! You asking us to be our date, I thought this year would not get any better but it has. The reason for it is you."

Karamatsu held your hand gently and spoke," You're more enchanting with any minutes that passes, in the next year, your beauty will be the highlight of our night~"

Choromatsu was a bit bashful but had the courage to say," You're really beautiful and certainly kind hearted to us, I know that the next year with you will be wonderful."

Ichimatsu looked at you then looked away, blushing as he said," You..are really a kitten..the year may pass by but..I know you'll stay here with us."

Jyushimatsu cheered," You are pretty! Too pretty! The year is beautiful with you!"

Todomatsu said with a sweet smile," Truly you're cute than these girls that's for sure. The next year, you will be even more cute."

You thanked them all with a bright smile on your face, making them smile and blush.

You all enjoyed the dance until the clock was 11:59 PM.

Osomatsu held your hand softly and you both walked outside, along with his brothers and everyone in the school dance.

Everyone counted down as the clock as going to hit midnight.

"5..4...3..2..1..Happy New Year!"

Fireworks went off as the clock hit midnight, you looked at Osomatsu and he did the same.

You both smiled then his brothers came close to you for a group hug.

You laughed and felt happy that you knew the first dance you went to was also the best memory ever.

~Sorry for any mistakes! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone has the bestest year ever! Thank you for reading. More is coming soon!~

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