Help from the Nerds Page 2

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Throughout the school, you got bullied and you got pushed around easily.

You didn't tell the Sextuplets because you were afraid they would think they are the problem.

However, they noticed without you saying a word.

During school like 2 days ago, Osomatsu was in the hallway and saw you got slapped by one of the other girls.

He wanted to help you so badly but he didn't know what to do.

Then one day, the Sextuplet met altogether on the rooftop while waiting for you.

~Sextuplet's POV~

Oso: Alright, we all noticed (Y/N) is getting bullied, right?

All of them: *nods*

Kara: I hate seeing her get hurt like Karamatsu girl

Choro: We all need to help her.

Ichi: we kill them?...

Choro: No! You would go to jail for that!

Jyushi: Kill them!

Choro: I said No!

Oso: Choromatsu, this is no time for killing.

Choro: Why, You!

Todo: Guys, I have something that might help!~

All of them:?????

Todo: I searched it up and it says we need to protect her from those girls.

Oso: How? They're not scared by us.

Ichi: ..that can be turned around...

Oso: Huh? What do you mean, Ichimatsu?

Ichi: uhh..well let's just show them our shitty side without showing (Y/N)..

Choro: How?

Kara: Isn't it obvious, my brothers~? We need show to (Y/N), our passion of love for her~

Ichi: *kicks him in the stomach* Shut up, Shittymatsu!

Choro: hmmm he might be right...

All of them: Really?!

Choro: *nods* if you think about it, she's only seeing hatred towards her but if we show her our true feelings then she may be happy again.

Oso: Alright! The plan is to make (Y/N) happy by showing our true feelings towward her.

All of them: *nods in agreement*

~Normal POV~

When you arrived at the rooftop the Sextuplets were already there, waiting for you.

You said," sorry for being late-"

You were cut off by Karamatsu holding a rose to you charmingly, he said," no need to be sorry, my darling~"

You took the rose and smiled then thanked him.

All of the 5 brothers were in shocked and mad at the second oldest brother, Karamatsu.

Todomatsu walked over to you and asked," (Y/N)-Chan, since we have cooking class together, do you want to be my parnter?"


Osomatsu patted your shoulder softly and asked" then would you be my parnter for science?"


Choromatsu said," you two are bothering (Y/N)!"

Osomatsu repiled with a smirk," but we're just showing (Y/N) how much we love her."

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