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Taehyung was sitting in the sofa playing a game on the X-Box with Jungkook and Jimin when Namjoon entered the living room trying to get their attention.

"Guys?"No one answered.

"Fine, I'll just have to do this the hard way" Namjoon went and stood in front of the TV blocking the view for the three players. Namjoon's plan worked since he immediately heard whines coming for the three maknaes.

"Yah, hyung. Get out of the way" Jimin whined.

"That's no way to talk to your elder." He scolded half kidding half serious.

"Please, hyung?" Jimin tilted his head to the side trying to look cute but Namjoon didn't budge.

"Fine" Taehyung got up softly pushing Jungkook's head that was resting on his shoulder and went to turn the TV off.

"Thank you. So, tomorrow we have an interview and the MC is known for asking group members to do all kind of things and our manager told me that we have to do whatever he asks, just act cool and play along. Whatever it is just do it and don't let things get awkward, okay?" Namjoon looked at Taehyung who shrugged and left to go get something in the kitchen. He then looked at Jungkook.

"As long as they don't ask Jimin to show off his 'abs' I'm good" Jungkook smirked when Jimin glared at him

"You're an idiot, Jeon Jungkook" The maknae burst out laughing chasing after his short friend to "apologize"

Time skip to tomorrow.

Jimin's P.O.V

I got up, went to take a shower, brushed my teeth and then went to pick out an outfit. It was just an interview but we still had to dress up well since it was pretty famous in Seoul so I decided to wear black tight pants with a black shirt and topped it with a grey jacket to get the formal look. ( a/n: See image at the beginning)I walked out of the room I shared with Tae and went to look for the other members. Jin was in the kitchen eating breakfast he had cooked, joined by Jungkook, Hobi and Taehyung.

"Where's Namjoon" I asked. Of course Jin was the first to speak up.

"On the phone with the crew for the interview today"

"Oh, and where's Yoongi-hyung?" Hobi smiled and jumped out of his chair, he walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I followed his mouvements with my eyes still not moving. 

" Well he is still sleeping and since none of us wants to join the after life just yet because we still have to conquer the world we thought that maybe you could go and wake him up?" He smiled and made puppy eyes. 

I never knew why but I was the only one who could wake up Yoongi without being thrown out of the room and attacked by pillows and God knows Yoongi has a lot of pillows.

"Fine I'll go" I nodded my head and walked over to his room.

 I knocked on the door but as I expected no one answered. I open the door and found Yoongi sleeping on his back, half of his body covered with a blancket , his mouth slightly opened, his minty hair messed up on his beautifull face. I slowly crouched down so my face leveled with his.

 "Hyung, wake up" I whisper. "Hyuuung" I started to whisper louder. After that I started touching his hair lightly, Yoongi hyung loves it when we touch his hair so I was sure to wake him up that way and I was right. His eyes slowly opened and closed adjusting to the light, then he looked around and saw me staring at him sideways. I was so caught up staring I didn't notice him smirking at me. 

"Too much beauty to take in for you Chimchim" That made me snap out of my daze as I looked down and found Yoongi hyung smirking. I slapped his head and got up. 

"Shut up, I'm way prettier than you" I was about to leave when he dragged me down for some cuddles. After ten minutes of cuddling that felt like ages Yoongi finally got up and we all left for the interview.

No one's P.O.V

BTS was in the middle of the interview playing a game, they had to grab a paper and do whatever was written on hit. Hobi had to freestyle and as expected slayed it, V had to impersonate one of the members and impersonated Jungkook wich earned him a slap on the head when he got back to his seat and then came Jungkook's turn. He picked one paper and unrolled it, he then started to read the question out loud but froze for a moment. Everyone looked at him and told him to read the paper. 

"K-kiss one of the members" All the members cooed as they were already deciding who the lucky member was going to be. They ended up playing rock, paper, scissor to find out.

"And the loser iiiiiis...JIMIN" The MC got closer and yelled .The members laughed and started yelling Jikook, Jikook and on and on while Jimin blushed madly. 

No one knew but for a few months now Jimin had developped a crush for the golden maknae and being in this situation really wasn't good for him. But his friends were too busy with Jungkook to notice him blushing that is until the MC started talking again.

"Well go on boys" Shaking a bit Jimin got closer to Jungkook, him on the other hand walked normaly up to Jimin and before the latter could say anything he pecked the younger's lips while the others went wild and started screaming and cooing. 

It was just a small peck but it felt amazing for Jimin who turned as red as a tomato. He turned around not wanting to face the camera and he noticed that Tae was the only one not laughing with the others. He seemed quite sad actually but still smiled to not let anyone see, unfortunatly he wasn't very good at hiding his emotions and Jimin being Taehyung's best friend knew something was wrong. He decided he would ask the younger later when they got back to their dorms. 


If any of you are worried i will be talking more about/as Taehyung/ Jungkook later on so don't worry this was just to get the story going plus Jimin is my bias so I just love to write for him hehe.

Hope you guys enjoy ;)


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