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Jimin's P.OV.

Yoongi and I heard yelling, I wondered what was happening but Yoongi wouldn't let me go, so I just stayed cuddling with him until he finally got up to shower.

 I got out of the bedroom and went to my room. I knocked to enter but Tae didn't answer, I opened the door and saw him sleeping. His eyes were red and puffed from crying, my heart hurt for a moment seeing him like that, but I decided I wasn't going to wake him up.  I gently pulled the covers up on him and left the room. 

I was looking for someone to explain why was Tae crying, I decided to go ask Jin when I saw him in the kitchen studying his cooking book.

"What's wrong with Tae?" I asked. 

He motioned for me to sit down, so I did. After he was done telling me I actually felt bad for Jungkook I mean I know we had kissed and that Tae must be feeling very sad about that but it's not a reason to treat him that way. Taehyung was Jungkook's best friend, he must be so hurt.

"Where's Jungkook?" I ask.

"At the studio, Hobi ran after him after the whole incident but Jungkook said he wanted to be alone. We were worried because no one knew where he was but he finally called saying that he was going to stay at the studio, he can't face seeing Taehyung."

"I'm going to go see him" I got up but felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

"I don't think that's a good idea, he said he wanted to be alone, Jimin. You should stay here for Taehyung" he let go of my wrist.

"He is sad and you should never be alone when you are sad, he is my friend too and he needs someone"

"Are you sure you are just going as a friend?" I wasn't expecting Jin to ask me that.

I  took a few steps back and hid my face as I felt a blush crawling on my cheeks. I quickly turned away, grabbed my keys and left the dorm. I got to the studio and when looking for Jungkook, I finally found him crying in the recording room. He was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall, his knees were brought to his chest and his head hidden between them, he was shaking, he looked broken, I slowly entered, not wanting to scare him.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" He got up and started wiping his tears away, I grabbed his arms and made him stop.

"You don't have to be ashamed, Jungkook. It's normal to cry, I'm here for you, I won't judge you." I pulled him into a tight hug, making circles on his back to try and sooth him. 

After a while he finally calmed down, I softly pushed him away whipping his tears away, he plunged his eyes into mine, I admired his beauty.

I felt guilty, I had a small crush on Jungkook yes, but I knew Taehyung loved him yet I couldn't help and slowly lean in and plant a soft kiss on his plumped lips. I didn't know what got into me and as I was about to pull back I felt two hands snake around my neck deepening the kiss. And at that exact moment the door burst open and five pair of eyes were looking at us as we broke the kiss.

20 minutes before that

No one's P.O.V

After spending the day reading his cooking book Jin decided to go wake up Taehyung that had been sleeping ever since he and Jin had talked about Taehyung's feeling for their maknae. He entered the room and saw he was still sleeping, Jin bent down and shook Taehyung to wake him up.

"Mmm, what time is it?" The brunette slowly opened his eyes looking up at Jin who had just awakened him.

"It's two o'clock, c'mon get up. You shouldn't sleep all day" Reluctantly, Taehyung got up and looked for his roommate. 

"Where's Jimin?" Jin didn't feel like lying to Taehyung so he told him the truth, hoping he would be responsible and not do anything stupid.

"Apparently Jungkook is staying at the studio since he didn't want to see you and Jimin went there to comfort him and stay with him tonight"

"Oh hell no!" A sudden wave of anger hit Taehyung and he stormed out of the room. Namjoon and Hoseok both ran to the bedroom only to find Jin looking shook.

"What happened now?" Namjoon asked.

"He is on his way to the studio, to find Jungkook and Jimin. Guys, we have to stop him, look at him, he looks like he is about to kill someone" Jin yelled. 

Namjoon thought that Taehyung's behavior was really childish but Jin was right, he looked very angry and Namjoon couldn't risk him hitting one of his band members or worst. 

All three ran out after Taehyung who had already gotten in his car and driven to the studio. The three members quickly got in Jin's car and race to the studio, they got there at the same time as Tae thanks to Jin's driving skills and tried to stop him.

"Tae! Taehyung!" Jin called but the latter didn't stop, instead he started running. Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon started running after him, he finally stopped in front of the recording room and they catch up to him as he opened the door well more like smashed it down revealing Jungkook and Jimin kissing.

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