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No one's P.O.V

Jin had decided to take Jimin for an ice cream as a reward for coming with him and to give Jungkook and Taehyung some time to talk but that part he didn't tell Jimin. He then called their leader to find out if he and the others were coming back soon but as it turned out they aren't coming home soon so Jin decided to come back home now. It was already 2pm when they arrived at the dorms, Jimin came in first, carrying a few bags that he went to put down in the kitchen as Jin did the same with his bags. Jin then stumbled on something as he made his way to Namjoon's room, he looked down and saw Jungkook, with bloody fist and puffed eyes.

"JIMIN! Come here I need help" he yelled. For a moment Jin thought Jungkook was dead but he quickly saw his chest breathing up and down.

"Oh my god what happened to him??" Jimin was worried, Jin looked down to the door, painted with Jungkook's blood.

"I guess his talk with Taehyung didn't go well, this is Namjoon's and Taehyung's room. It looks like he was banging on the door maybe trying to get in, but why didn't Tae let him in? Where is Tae by the way?" Jimin shrugged.

"I don't know but I do know that he is being a jerk with everyone, I mean look at how he pushed me today and how he left Jungkook, come on let's clean him up" Jimin handed a wet towel to Jin, he gently rubbed it against Jungkook' bloody knuckles. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Jin? What are you doing?"

"Cleaning you, mind telling us how did this happen" he pointed at Jungkook's hands.

"I talked to Taehyung, it didn't go well, I apologized and told him how I felt about him, but he never opened the door and I kind of got carried away by my emotions I guess"

" Oh Jungkook, why would you hurt yourself like that, I'm happy that Tae finally knows that you love him but you shouldn't hurt yourself like that"

"I don't care if I'm hurt hyung! I tried, I tried to apologize but he won't talk to me, he doesn't understand how much I love him, I don't know what to do hyung, I need him and he won't have me. I ruined everything. He doesn't even care about me"

"Yes, he does Jungkook, he is broken hearted, give him time" Jin helped Jungkook stand up and knocked on Tae's door.

"Okay no one bothers Tae for the moment okay? I'm sure he will come out when he is ready"

2 weeks passed and Taehyung still wasn't talking to Jungkook, actually he didn't speak to anyone except Jin and sometimes Hoseok. He barely ate anything and was only focusing on the dance practices, when he wasn't dancing he was locked in his room no one knew but Tae would spend his days crying. Ignoring Jungkook and his feelings for him was killing him, but he knew that it would hurt even more to give in his emotions so he suppressed them and tried to keep on hating Jungkook but he only loved him more and more. Taehyung was fine with keeping his act up until one day Namjoon grabbed him apart during one of the dance practice.

"Listen Tae, I don't really know how you ad Jungkook left things but I am telling you this, he tried to apologize and make things better with you, you are the only one making things difficult right now, and our manager and our fans have started to notice that you and Jungkook aren't talking and that's bad, if I am being honest your behavior is a danger to the group, your little fight, it can't go on, so you either accept his apology and start talking again or you leave Bangtan, am I clear?" Namjoon knew he was being hard on Tae and it was an impossible choice for Taehyung to make but he had to stop, this whole not talking thing was really bad for them.

"Okay hyung, I am going to talk to Jungkook and settle things down once in for all" Taehyung could see that Namjoon wasn't expecting this answer but to be fair Taehyung had been waiting for this, he wanted to use Namjoon's warning as an excuse to finally accept Jungkook's apology. Tae was ready to start talking with Jungkook again and maybe become friends again but sadly only friends. "I will go now" and so he went and called Jungkook who was talking with Hobi.

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