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Taehyung's P.O.V

After the argument I had with Jungkook I thought I would go to Jin-hyung, he would know how to make me feel better, usually I would go to Jimin but he was already sleeping with Yoongi, plus after everything that happened between us, I never really trusted him again. So I left my room and was about to knock on Jin-hyung's door but I heard two voices, it seemed to be a heated conversation, I was going to leave, not wanting to eavesdrop when I heard my name.

"Jungkook I don't know what to tell you, I'm not fucking Taehyung" Jin yelled. So he was talking with Jungkook.

"But he is lying to me hyung!" true, I was, he knows me too well but I wasn't really trying to hide that.

"So what! You are lying to him also, to him and all of us!" Jin exploded. "You think I don't know that you love him, I'm not stupid Jungkook and you keep saying you don't like him yeah my ass." What? Jungkook likes me? I mean, I knew we were pretty close and all these days but I thought it was just friendship like before, I felt my heart fluster but quickly scolded myself. I lost a part of the conversation since I was lost in my thoughts of Jungkook but then I heard him yell.

"Here me this one time Seokjin, I DO NOT LOVE TAEHYUNG, I never will and I never have" it was at that moment that my heart broke in a thousand pieces, Jungkook did not love me and would never love me. I felt only sadness, I started to cry, I thought I would drown in my own tears, how could I have hoped that he had the same feelings as me, I knew that I did not show my true feelings for him either, but I thought that our actions showed better our feelings than our words, I made it clear to him that I still loved him through my actions but he only saw friendship, he will never love me.

"You told him you did" I heard Jin say, true, why did he say that, if he never meant it, was it just to hurt me?

"I only said that because he was hurt and I felt guilty, that's all" Jungkook why, why would you do that to me, I got up and ran out the house. I ran and ran, I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care. I got to a river, there was a pond, I ran up to it and screamed at the top of my lung "I HATE YOU JEON JUNGKOOK I WISH I HAD NEVER MET YOU" I crumbled down on the cold stoned bridge, I held my knees up to my chest and buried my face in them, I cried every tear I had in me until there wasn't any more to cry, I was cold, so cold and I eventually fell asleep. I woke up, it was already night again, an entire day had passed since I had fallen asleep on that bridge. I looked around me, good news, I was still on the bridge, bad news I didn't know where I was." I looked like a mess, I looked at my phone,3% left, great I sighed. I couldn't let anyone see me like this I'm an idol after all but where could I go, there was no way I was going back to the dorm, never! Once again, I had forgotten my wallet but I didn't care, I was hungry, I wasn't going back home, I couldn't live knowing Jungkook didn't love, what was the point of living if your love doesn't love you back, if he pities you and thinks so low of you. I was ashamed for not seeing that he was pretending the whole time. I spent the whole day wandering around that bridge, weirdly there wasn't anyone, when it was night again, I curled up in a ball to try and warm myself, god I was so cold but I didn't care anymore. I woke up feeling so weak, I couldn't sink any lower, I had been living in the streets for two days, I looked terrible and felt even worst, I was alone, scared and weak, was living worth it if I was living like this? I decided to send a message to Jin.

Dear Jin-hyung, I heard you conversation with Jungkook last night, I'm leaving Bangtan, please do not look for me and tell Jungkook that I never wish to see him again, ever, I was a fool thinking he ever loved me, I spent years loving him and months crying for him, I'm done now, I only wish for you all to forget me, do not look for me, I am already gone. I have no interest in living anymore, I love you Jin-hyung, tell the other members that I love them too and they will always be my family, you guys will always be my family (except Jungkook, he doesn't fit anywhere in there).

I love you guys,

Let me go,


With that I threw my phone in the river and went to the only place I wanted to spend my last day on earth. I was weak from crying so much and not eating but I still managed to walk. It was a big medieval tower in a plain where Jungkook and I used to play back when we were younger. Where we had our first kiss, we would sit on the edge of one of the windows of the tower.



"Yes Kookie?"

"Um c-can you be my first kiss? I want it to be someone special and someone I will always love"

"You will always love me?"

"Yes of course"


"I promise TaeTae"

"Then okay Kookie, I also want you to be my first kiss" I smiled with my box smile and him with his bunny smile. I leaned and slowly connect our lips, we moved in sync, shortly after I bit the younger's bottom lip asking for entrance which he quickly granted me, our tongue battled for dominance which he won in the end. I pulled away, panting, trying to catch my breath. We both blushed.

"T-thank you TaeTae."

"Same Kookie" then we both agreed to not talk about that again and went on playing for the rest of the day.

Back to now

I slowly climbed to the top of the tower and sat on the same window we I shared my first and last kiss with the love of my life.

Jungkook's P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully when someone started to shke the living hell out of me. I opened my eyes and saw my hyung shaking me.

"Jesus fucking Christ Jin, what's wrong with you?!"

"We have to find Taehyung!"

"I know hyung but he's been missing for like two days, we already searched everywhere, we have to wait until they find him or they come back" I had searched for him but I was already losing hope of finding him.

"Shut up and look" he showed me his phone, my heart stopped as I read the text.

"No, no no, Taehyung! Jin we have to find him!!"

" I know! I told the other but we don't know where he could be, I got this at 6 am, that was 4 hours ago! Who knows where he is is"

"Hyung he wants to end his life we have to find him!!" I yelled.

"I KNOW!! I send all the member after him but they haven't seen him, I'm desperate, you know him best, where could he be?" I shook my head since I didn't know but then it was Jin who started shaking me!

"I don't fucking care, think, this is your fault, find him!!" "Think of a place important to him, to you both" at that moment I knew, I knew where he was! I got up and ran to my car, I was going to save him and I was going to tell him he loved him, I was going to scream it for the whole world to hear.


Hope you still enjoy ;) 

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