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"Tae? Let me in please, I just want to talk" No answer. "Please Tae, just open the door"

"Go away, Jungkook. I have nothing to say to you" Jungkook's heart took a beating with those words but still he didn't give up.

"Don't say that. If you don't want to talk fine just please listen to what I have to say." Tae started to look for his headphones but couldn't find them, so he had no choice but to listen to what the younger had to say. Jungkook leaned against the door as he sat down.

"I don't know why you got so upset ,Tae. I think, or thought, that you liked Jimin but now I'm not sure. When I kissed Jimin during the interview I felt something in my stomach, I thought they were butterflies cause maybe I liked Jimin. I mean we were always close." Behind the door Taehyung was shaking his head, he didn't want to hear that but Jungkook continued.

"But I really didn't think much of it at the time. After that well I knew I was gay. And since Jimin was also and we all knew that, and I knew he had a crush on me,  I wanted to experiment those feelings and he was there for me." Slowly, Taehyung leaned against the door on the other side of where Jungkook was also leaning. I was here for you, Kookie. he thought to himself but he didn't say anything.

"But whenever I would be nice to Jimin you would turn me down. And that day you called me a fuckboy, yo-you broke something, that bond we always had as best friends, as partners in crime since forever. And you have no idea of how many tears I cried when I got to the studio that day. I tried to hold them back, Tae, I really did but I wasn't strong enough. I had to let them fall at some point.When the door opened and Jimin came in I wasn't happy to see him, in fact I was begging inside for it to be you. I wanted it to be you comforting me. When he took me in his arms I didn't feel safe like I do when I'm with you. I didn't smell your sweet scent" At that point Jungkook started to slowly cry. 

"And when he kissed me, in my head it was you that I was kissing, my fingers were running through your hair, I imagined your plumped lips on mine and-" It was hard for Jungkook to talked but he still managed to speak in between sobs. 

"Now I know that I like you, hyung. No, I don't like you" Jungkook turned and faced the door putting his right hand on it.

" I love you, Kim Taehyung, and I'm sorry for making you suffer. If you opened this door I promise you I won't ever hurt you again." On the other side, Taehyung slowly lifted his left hand and positioned it on Jungkook's. The boywas crying every tear he had in his body, shaking so much.  Of course he also loved Jungkook but the damage was already done, he couldn't trust him to keep his promise.

 At last, Jungkook had confessed his love to Taehyung and Taehyung still had nothing to say to him. On the other side of that door, Taehyung was slowly dying inside, but Jungkook never knew.  Jungkook  started to get up when he heard Taehyung's shaking voice through the door.

"I may have broken our bond that day, but yesterday you broke my heart, Jeon Jungkook"

Jungkook's P.O.V

I didn't know what to say, my cries that had finally stopped came back. Tae also loved me, I was ashamed and sad that I had broken his heart but I knew that only I could mend it. I loved him more than anyone ever could. We were meant to be together and I wasn't going to lose him again. I knocked on the door again.

"Tae, open the door. Taehyung, I beg you open the door" I started knocking harder and harder "God dammit, Tae open!" my voice cracked when the door remained closed. I fell on my knees, crying and banging on the door. 

"Taehyung!!" I started punching the wall repeatedly, screaming Taehyung's name, until my knuckles were bleeding from me punching the wall. Exhausted from crying and punching, I fell limp on Tae's door. 

Meanwhile Taehyung sat in a corner of his room covering his ears, to try and cover my cries and my screaming. I never knew why he never opened the door. Why he let me in such a distraught state. Maybe he didn't love me anymore or else he would've had come for me, rocked me in his arms, whispering me sweet nothings or so I thought.


Hope you enjoy ;) 

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