"It's okay"

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     Yo dudes I'm back again! Mostly because my internet friend asked if I can update so here we are. SHOUTOUT TO aggressivepoetryy ur gr8 m8! LeTS gET inTo iT.

     "You wanna go home?," Dan asked worriedly. I didn't know what came over me. I was shocked.

     We grabbed our drinks and made our way out. We went back to Dan an Phils flat and Phil left and went into his room so we can talk.

     "I know you might not be comfortable with this," Dan said, "but do you wanna about what she said about your friend,"

     For some reason, I trusted Dan. I didn't know why, maybe it was because I have watched him for so long, maybe it's more than that. But I decided to tell him, everything.


I was walking through school like any normal day but Ally wasn't there. So I texted her.

Y/N: hey where are you?

Ally: I can't do this anymore

Y/N: what the fuck do you mean allison jade cooper i am leaving school where are you

Ally: dont

     As I ran out of the school and hopped into my car with tears in my eyes I saw Jessica and as always she called me an "emo fuck" but I ignored her. Please dont go ally please. I thought. When I got to the forest preserve that we always hung out at I slammed my car door shut and ran to the special place we'd hang out at. I saw Ally passed out with cuts all over her arms and legs. They were very deep. I grabbed her and brought her to the hospital, but it was too late, she let her brain over power her and she gave up.

**flashback over**

     "Eventually we had a funeral and ever since then Jessica, the girl we saw at Starbucks, tormented me even more than she already did," I told Dan crying. "I almost took my life as well but I remembered all I had to live for. I had always watched you and Phil and it was Ally and I's dream to move out to London, so I wanted to carry that dream even though she isn't with us anymore," I said as I began to calm down.

    Dan looked up at me and smirked. I was confused at first then tackled me and began to tickle me. "Holy shit Dan get off me!" I said laughing. I kept giggling and he said, "You're so adorable. I mean uh do you wanna make some pancakes yeah pancakes?" I looked up and felt heat rise to my cheeks and saw Dan blush as well.

    "Lets go make pancakes Danny boy," I said ruffling his hobbit hair.

     We got up and went into the kitchen and got out a bunch of ingredients.

    "How the heck do you make pancakes," I said giggling.

     "Here let me teach you," Dan said.

    I watched dan as he grabbed the flour and grabbed a bunch in his hand. I was very confused but the next thing I know is all of the flour in his hand was now all over me.

   "You didn't just do that," you said trying to sound angry but failing miserably.

    "Yes I did," Dan said smugly.

     I ran over to the flour, grabbed some, then threw it at him. He looked at me like I was crazy then we eventually had a full on food fight.

     We were laughing like crazy then I slipped and Dan caught me. We looked up at each other and just stared into each others eyes.

    "Ahem," we heard a voice say.

    We quickly snapped out of it and saw Phil and started blushing.

    "What are you guys doing," Phil said laughing.

     "Nothing!," Dan and I said quickly.

     "Okay then," Phil said backing out of the room slowly as Dan and I stood there awkwardly.

     Phil left the room and I asked Dan, "Why did you start that food fight?"

     "That was for messing with my hair and calling me Danny boy," he said as he walked out of the kitchen.

      Time skip to after clean up cus who the heckity heck wants to hear about that.

    "Well I should probably get going settle in and stuff since I did just move here. And I have flour in places I never thought flour would go so," I said.

    "Yeah you're right, but we should exchange number just in case you need anything or if you just want someone to talk to," Dan responded back.

     We exchanged number then I said goodbye to Dan and Phil.

I incorporated some juiciness and fluff cus who doesn't like fluff. HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER!!!


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