"Oh do I have a story for you"

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I woke up the next morning still deciding if yesterday's events actually took place or was just a dream. I had come to the conclusion it was a dream until I received a text message.

Dan: hey y/n! I was wondering if maybe you wanted to film a YouTube video together?

Ok so it wasn't a dream.

After fangirling for about 30 seconds I decided to text him back.

Y/N: uh sure what time

Dan: probably later tonight since im busy during the day

Y/N: ok! See you tonight

Dan: yupp

I decided to film a video taking about my move so far and basically about meeting Dan and Phil.

I set up the camera and pressed record.

"Hey guys it's Y/N and oh do I have a story for you!"

My style of videos is VERY inspired by Dan's. Telling stories and kinda reenacting them. So I explained how as I was panicking in the middle of London I bumped into Dan and Phil. I left out the whole Starbucks thing and telling Dan about my best friend and all that but it was really fun to make. I decided to upload it after I uploaded my video with Dan.


I looked ant my phone and saw a text from Dan asking if I was ready to come over. I said yes and ran out of my flat to walk across the hall to his flat.

I knocked and Dan answered.

"Hello friend!" Dan said enthusiastically.

"Hello Danyulllll," I said smirking.

I walked in and plopped myself onto the couch.

"Making yourself at home I see," he said chuckling.

"Well the amount of time I spent here yesterday and spending more time here today, I've probably been here longer overall than my actual home," I said 'matter of factly'

Dan rolled his eyes sarcastically and said, "I mean your not wrong,"

We sat in silence for a couple seconds then bursted out laughing. During our laughing fit Phil walked in, saw us, then slowly walked away.

"So what were you doing all day that made you so busy you couldn't hang out with me?", I said sarcastically.

"Well little miss sass, we were at meetings all day!" He said trying to make it sound exciting.

     "Well Danny boy, I do not have a response to that!" I said ruffling his hobbit hair. (This takes place like present day so he already did his REbrAndINg lol)

     "If you don't stop fucking calling me Danny boy I will, um, I don't know what I will do but I will figure it out!," Dan said in this weird declarative voice.

     "Okay then. So what are we gonna film?," I asked.

     "Okay Y/N I was thinking of diving into the scary and interesting world Tumblr!" He said with jazz hands.

     "K let's go!," I said.


"Dan what the fuck is that! AH my eyes!" I said as an edit of Dan on a nude body appeared.

"Uh, oh god! I think that is a sign to end this video here," Dan said chuckling.

"I hope you all enjoyed this video! Please don't forget to subscribe to (Y/YT/N)! Bye!" Dan said waving at the camera.

"That was scary!" I said.

     "Well thats tumblr for you," Dan said chuckling.

    "We should do something," I said thinking.

    "Like what?" Dan said confused.

     "Hmm how about, baking!"
I said enthusiastically.

     "Y/N do you remember what happened when we attempted to make pancakes yesterday?" Dan said laughing.

   "Ugh you're right," I said.

    "Let's watch a movie!" Dan said.

     We started to watch a movie. As we watched it my eyes started to get droopy.

    I started to lean on something warm and fell asleep.

HEY GUYS! YAY MY NEXT CHAPTER. Sorry not much happened this is kinda a filler cus I don't wanna like rush things you know. ANY WAY HOPE YOU ENJOYED!


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