"don't listen"

17 3 1

     TW: hints at suicidal thoughts and other related things.

    It was the next day. Everything went downhill.

    The comments on the video.

    They were terrible.

    Ugh Dan why are you hanging with her shes so ugly

    She should kill herself tbh


    Maybe they were right. I have no friends anyway. Dan hasn't texted me since yesterday when we made plans. He probably doesn't like me. No one likes me.

    I start sobbing. Uncontrollably. No matter what I can't stop. I'm alone.

     Call after call.

Missed call from Dan

Missed call from Dan

Dan: y/n where you

Dan: i saw the comments

Dan: don't listen

Text after text

You ignored them all and went into the bathroom

     That's when you blacked out. All you could hear was pounding at the door and Dan screaming your name. You tried to open your eyes but you couldn't. Soon you felt someone lift you up and place you in a gurney.

    You couldn't open you eyes no matter what.

    You eventually saw a light and opened your eyes to see a crying Dan beside you.

     "Dan?" You question. You had forgotten everything that happened the few minutes before you blacked out. The last thing you remember was walking in your bathroom.

     "Y/N! You're awake," he says sobbing.

     "Yes what happ-," you stopped mid sentence and glanced at your wrist.

    "Oh." You said sadly.

    You had been clean ever since you moved to London. Guess that was broken.

    "What happened? God I should have been there as soon as I saw the comments this is all my fault!" He said yelling and crying.

    "Daniel! No it isn't! Now let's get some doctors so I can get out of this hell hole," you said reassuring him.

He pressed a button to let the doctor know you were awake and the doctor soon came in.

"Dan is it okay if I talk to Y/N alone, I want to talk to her about what she's going through right now," Dan immediately got up but You stopped him.

"Can he stay, he is my closest friend right now," You said.

The doctor nodded then continued. "I think you should start seeing a therapist.

The word echoed in your head. A therapist I don't need a therapist. Do I?

Dan chimed in and said, "I think it is a good idea for you honestly, it really helps me out, it feels refreshing," he said reassuringly.

"It will really help," the doctor said, "they can prescribe you some medication to prevent these things from happening again,"

I mean I guess it could be a good idea. You thought.

"I'll think about it," You finally said. "Now can we get out of here I just want to go home,"

"Sure go with Dan and we will check you out of the hospital and you should be good to go," the doctor said.

    "Okay thank you," you said in a rushed tone so you can leave.

     As you and Dan walked out you ran into a fan.

    "Omg! Dan! Is that Y/N! I loved her in your new video! You should keep having her on your channel!" The girl said obviously excited.

    "Thank you!", you said with the widest grin.

    "No problem, it really is true!," the girl continued.

    "Well we better get going!" Dan said.

    "Yeah! Thank you so much," you said as the both of you continued through the parking lot.

     "Bye!" The girl said happily.

    Maybe not everyone hates me. You thought as you got into a taxi. Or at least you thought you kept in your head.

     "No one hates you Y/N," Dan said.

     "They just aren't used to girls that can possibly ruin phan. They'll come around," he said grinning and wrapping his arm around you. "I don't hate you, and don't see myself ever hating you," he said genuinely.

     You looked up at each other and your lips met.


I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER!!! This one is kinda short but it is verryyyyy important kinda lol. Its like an important filler I guess you can say lol. SEE YOU IN THE NEXT ONEEEE!!!!

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