Confessions? (Part One) ~Both

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Saitama and Genos arrive at the Ice Cream Shop.

3rd Person POV

Saitama orders chocolate, 2 scoops of it, in a waffle cone, covered in caramel syrup, Genos orders Vanilla, 1 scoop, regular cone, covered in chocolate chips. They both sit at the table near the closest window, across from one another, it was a slow day at the shop, it was just the two of them, Genos and Saitama

Genos' POV

Now is the time to confess my feelings for Sensei, this should be at a perfect timing, I must get some conversation started. Sensei, there, eating away his ice cream, Sensei can sure eat a lot. Either way, he's attractive.

"Sensei!" I say, trying to think of a topic.
"Emm, what?" Sensei responses licking his ice cream in between words.
"How did you get so strong?" Because yeah, that's the whole reason why I wanted to be under your wing, yeah that's it.

"I started training 3 years ago, during the process I lost my hair, and my will to feel, I became numb." He says will a sigh.

"JUST SIMPLE TRAINING?" I say, so surprised.

"Yes, I didn't 100 squats, 100 push-ups 100 crunches and a 10-kilometer run, EVERY SINGLE DAY!" He gets excited at the end.

"You must make sure you don't use air conditioning in the summer, and your heater in the winter, it may not seem like it would do much, but trust me, I wanted to die when I first started." He states. "Oh, and make sure you eat 3 meals a day, a banana in the morning should do till lunch."

"Really, Sensei? I find that hard to believe.." I mumble

"I would never lie to you Genos, that's the last thing I'd ever do." He smirks

"Alright, whatever you say, "Sensei". I make quotes around the word Sensei.

"You know Genos, for 19 years old, you act like you're 3." He smirks even wider.

"ME?!? You're the man-child here." I cross my hands.

"Genos, you're letting your ice cream melt, Here let me get that for you." Sensei gets up to get a napkin and hands it to me.

"Three-year-olds.." He mumbles

I turn a slight red.

"Thank you, father." I wipe my melting ice cream and finish whatever I had left of it.

"No problem son!" Sensei slaps my chest, he's gonna break his hand doing that one day.

"Sensei? What do you mean by, Losing your will to feel?" I ask

"I just don't feel emotions as strong as I did before." He responded

I thought about the chip.

"Sensei, what feeling do you get when you're heartthrobs, you're stomach hurts and you feel sick but you're not?
You feel passion raging from the bottom of your heart, then it slowly seeps into your soul? Tell me Sensei? What is this emotion called? I'm so confused Sensei, I can't take it anymore!" I started to cry

"There, there Genos, it's alright, how can you be so sure all this happened at once?" He asks, scooting closer to me.

"B-because." I pause "It happens when I'm with you." I start crying even more

"Genos, are you sure?" He wipes away my tears and rests his hand on my cheek.

"I feel it right now," I say,

"Well in that case." What is sensei doing?

He leans forward, getting closer and closer to my face, he pauses, stares into my eyes, I get lost in his.

Sensei smashes his lips onto mine, I was so shocked, I mean it happened before, but we were only joking, right?

"Genos?" Sensei says pulling back, with an evil grin on his face.

"That emotion is called love." He says gazing into my eyes more.


"Genos, do you have a crush on me?"
"I would never crush you?" I say so emotionally and confused.
"I mean, erm, do you l-love me?"
"Oh, sensei I'm sorry. Then yes..."

"I'm in love with you sensei!"

"I'm not your sensei, Genos.."


Yaoi hurts...


I'm Not Your Sensei Genos (SaitamaXGenos) (Complete) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now