Ramen Hut ~Saitama

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*Time Skipped to The Ramen Hut*

Saitama's POV

"I heard this ramen place is delicious!" I say to Genos
"I'll take your word for it Sensei."

We enter the hut and order our ramen

"This ramen is DELICIOUS!" I Scarf down all my ramen.
"Dang Sensei, you eat like a wild boar." Genos comments
"I do not!" I say crossing my arms, Jesus I am a manchild

"But indeed, Sensei, this ramen is quite delectable." Genos replies finishing up his bowl too.

"Look Sensei," Genos says pointing to a bulletin board in the ramen hut
"Contest for the cutest couple." He read "Winners get a free lifetime supply of ramen" He paused "Sensei?"

"Erm, huh?" I responded
"Do you have a significant other?" He asked, "Surely a good looking man like yourself has one." I turn a scarlet red at this comment, he thinks I'm good looking? "As a matter of fact, I do!" I say showing Genos a picture of Mr. Cactus

"You must be joking sensei?" He looked at me, then Mr. Cactus, this repeats for a good minute or so. "I was expecting some"one" else, like an egg!" Genos dies of laughter at his own joke, while I boil in anger
"Genos! THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" I sass
"I CANT STOP LAUGHING!! AN EGG! GOOD ONE GENOS!! OH, MY GOD, SOMEONE HELP ME, HAHAHA!!" Genos can't even breathe at this point, who knew cyborgs could even laugh?

The man who runs the ramen hut was watching us the whole time.
"You guys should enter my competition! This is the cutest couple I've seen in a long time, believe me, I'm sixty."

"ME WITH HIM? HE THOUGHT I WAS DATING AN EGG!!" I shout at the top of my lungs.
"Sensei, I was only joking." Genos is calm now, sort of.
"You would never date yourself!"
"So you think I'm an egg aye?"
I have to admit, that's pretty good joke
I smack him across the face, playfully, we both start to laugh.

We leave the ramen hut, hand in hand.
"You don't have to hold my hand Sensei, I may be young, but I swear I won't get lost, father" He laughs
"Come, son!" I laugh along, "Let's get some ice cream huh?"
"Yes, father!" I roll my eyes


I'm Not Your Sensei Genos (SaitamaXGenos) (Complete) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now