Shadow Claw Pack

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Chapter1:Anger and Mate??


Hey I'm Rosalie but everyone calls me Misty it some reason.Im the Runt of the Shadow Claw Pack.My members are Nariko my alpha mistress, Donatello or Donnie,Annabelle or Belle,Cyrus or Cy the betas,Jacob,Chris,Kira, and Janie the omegas.Everyone in the pack has a mate except for me shocker but I'm really not looking for one.Well that's it's Bye

[Morning Time]

"MISTY SO HELP I WILL BREAK DOWN THIS DOOR GET UP"I slowly open my eyes to the sounds of yelling and banging on my door know it's Cy with his heavy handed hands.I groan and roll on my stomach.

"5 more minutes Cy I'm really tired"I doze off back to sleep.About a minute later I get huge arms wrap around my waist and picks me up.I groan loudly as open my eyes to see Jacob carrying me.

"Ugh Jake leave me alone I wanna sleep"He puts me down gently on the floor and I look up to see my older sister Nariko AKA our alpha standing in front of me with a look on her face.

"Morning Misty get showered and dressed we're suppose to have another pack visit us today"I see a small depression smile on her face but quickly turns back to a serious look.What they heck is she hiding now?

"Okay I will"I watch her walk pass me and jake to go back to her study office and shuts the door quietly.I yawn and stretch out my arms.I walk back to my room and shower.I get dressed in some jean shorts and a tank top with some Jordan's on.I walk back downstairs and eat breakfast.

"Hey Runt"A deep voice startles me and I turn to see Chris standing in the doorway.I look at him in disgust and clench my fists.

"What do you want prick, I'm trying to have breakfast here"I hated Chris since the day I saw him. He's Nariko's Mate and I totally hate that he is.He treats her wrong every time but behind closed doors all he wants is her body.He broke her heart several times and I almost killed him several times it took the whole pack to get me off him.He doesn't like me and I don't like him.

"I can't say hi to you"I get up and leave the kitchen mumbling a no to him as I pass him.I walk back up the stairs to Nariko's Study and I walk in.I see her Quietly pacing the room with tears down her face.

"Sissy what's wrong" I saw her head snap up me obviously shocked that I'm in the room.She quickly wipe her tears and sit in her chair.

"Sissy I can't lie to you so I'm just gonna say it............Im...........Pregnant"My eyes widen so big then can easily pop out my sockets.That little Prick is gonna die.

"How many months"I ask her with a serious tone.Female werewolves can be pregnant for like 5 months instead of 9 your stomach won't show until 2 month have passed by.

"I'm 4 Months Pregnant"Everything in my body stops except my wolf Kargari.She awakens an growls loudly.

"Kill him,Kill him now"She tells me and I nod.4 months and she hasn't told anyone nether have prick did.I didn't know what emotions I was feeling but I only felt two:Hurt and Anger.I ran out the room in a flash downstairs pinning Chris against the wall choking him.

"YOU PRICK YOU GOT HER PREGNANT I WILL MURDER YOU"I throw Chris against the wall causing him to shift into his wolf.I shift into mine as well.

"Come and get me Runt"I roar so loudly the windows and glass burst. I charge toward him taking a shot to his neck biting him.He whimpers and manages to throw me off causing me to break my right paw.I wince in pain as I try to put weight on it.I shift back to human as Chris did.

"I hate you Chris I always will, and Nariko"I look at her as she stands on the staircase with tears falling down.i hold back my tears.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me"With that I ran out the pack house running into the woods.It was Pretty much still morning and I could stay outside all day.Some much questions bottled up in my head I couldn't think straight. I already shifted into Kargari letting us both roam freely.I didn't notice a Jet Black Wolf was standing here and I accidentally ran into him.

"Ouch my paw, geez I'm sorry I didn't mean to run into you I was looking"I look down to see Blood Shot red eyes staring up at me.I back up a little stepping on my broken paw and I howl in pain.The Black Wolf jumps up alerted and shifts into a guy.

I shift back to human and standing up carefully not using my broken hand.I look up to the guy and my jaws drop.He was about 6,3 at least compare to my 5'2 size,He had Jet Black hair and Carmel light skin color.His eyes were Basically Hazel eyes. He was muscled up pretty good like just perfect muscles and his abs were just so yummy to eat off of.I hadn't notice him calling me I snap outta my fantasy.

"Excuse me, Hi I'm Jared it's ok I'm sure you couldn't see me"His voice was so deep it sent chills up my spine.

"I'm Rosalie but everyone calls me Misty"I look into his eyes and Kargari jumped for joy.

"MATE MINE TAKE HIM NOW"She yells to me and I shake my metal head.

"Not yet be patient Kargari"She growls but I shook her off.I can't believe he was my mate.I wince in pain as my hand throbs a little.

"Hey I can heal you I'll take you to my pack house"He picks me up bridal style and I thought I was in heaven he was very strong.He carries me back to the pack house within 10 minutes.

We walk into see a bunch of people sprawled out and talking or playing around.Jared sets me down on my feet and shows me to their healer Annie.

"Ow you poor thing come here sweetie"She wraps up my hand in bandages and gives me medicine for it.She looks at Jared and he nods.She gives me a warm smile.

"Welcome to the family dear"I look at her confusingly but smile back and nod a thank you.Jared leads me to the living room where everyone else was.All eyes were glued on me and I began to feel nervous.Jared puts his hand on my shoulder and smiles to me

Gosh I just wanna.....stop it Misty your better than this....but got dang he is HOT

"Everyone this is Misty"They all speak to me and I wave a little.Jared introduces everyone to me but it'll take a while tj remember all theses names.

^Time Skip^

It was halfway to dark time and I had to go back home.I told Jared what happen and he felt sorry for me and I accepted his sympathy.He offered me a way home but I told him I'll be fine.He let me go after my famous Puppy dog eyes no one can resist those.

I open the door to the pack house only to get bear hugged by Belle,Kira and Janie.I almost suffocate my breath in my lungs.

"Girls I have a problem"They sit down and listen to me.I take a deep breath because I'm really nervous.

"I found my mate earlier today"They gasp loudly as squeal like teenage girls.I roll my eyes at their silliness.

"Keep it down i have no idea what to do "Belle puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I look at her.

"It'll be fine don't worry"I nod and go get dressed again for the pack that's coming tonight.I dress in A black Crop shirt that says "Fire"and Red jean shorts and some red and black Jordan's.I hear my name being called and I rush downstairs to meet those same hazel eyes staring at me.

"Misty meet Alpha Jared and his Sharp mark pack"My jaws drop and so does Belle,Kira and Janie.

My Mate is An Alpha????!!!!

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