Chapter Four

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Well, I've been motivated to type this, but I don't have wifi, so italics isn't really a option, so yeah.


I was kinda shy to talk to Phil. I mean, what if he didn't really like to talk to me either, and just deals with me because there's no one else around. I felt as of I were confused as to why I hadn't seen him in my maths or English classes. He was beautiful.

I knew I was gay. I accepted it a long time ago. I hadn't exactly came out, other than to my friend pj, and he didn't mind. But he was bi, so it didn't matter.

Right now I was sitting in my English class staring at the pages of the journal.

'I think this may be my last entry.'

I choked, the thought of him killing himself worried me, even if I had proof that he was still alive. But what if that was someone pretending. I started to read again.

'Not really, I mean, I've done twenty tablets before, I guess I've gained tolerance. So yeah, I'll be back tomorrow. But there was something's that I actually wanted to go into.

'Well, you know I'm gay, so I kinda wanted to get this out. I like Daniel Howell. I really wanted to say his middle name, but unfortunately I don't know it.'

I slammed the book closed. I was positive that I was blushing. There was no way. How would anyone ever like me. I mean, I'm kinda popular, but honestly, I was ugly, I was gross. I sighed and opened the book again.

'That was embarrassing to say.'

No kidding, I thought.

'But before I pass out for the night, I just wanted you to know that.'

And that's when it ended, it wasn't even a page. But I knew it wasn't the last entry. I wanted to read another when someone came up in front of me.

"H-hey." It was Phil, but he seemed nervous, I'd wondered what made him feel differently than earlier.

"Um, what's up?" I asked.

"I was wondering if I could work with you, because we're supposed to find partners." I nodded, and he say down.

I was silent for a minute before he said something totally random.

"What's your middle name?"

I looked at him questioningly, but answered. "James, yours?"



Sorry it's not good, but go ahead and leave a vote/comment and I'll get another chapter up tonight.

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