XVI. Doubts And Lies

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"Get the popcorn and drinks, Grey." Hailey called out to Grey while the remaining trio made their way inside the cinema.

"I should probably go and lend him a hand," Cara said with worry. "he can't possibly carry everything all by himself."

Hailey gave her the eye. "Cara, it's just for five minutes not an eternity. He'll be back soon." She said.

"Like you would allow Brent leave for even a sec." Cara accused Hailey who rolled her eyes.

"She totally won't, she is too into me." Brent said conceitedly.

"Aha. You wish!" Hailey said to him and having spotted Grey, sighed. "At last, I can enjoy some silence now, here comes Grey."

"I didn't know I was so missed. Come on, it was just for five minutes."

"What have been trying to saying, tell that to Cara, we didn't even notice you were gone, right Brent?"

"Guys, fon't drag me into this. We are already late for the movie, let's go." And four of them moved ahead.

They had agreed to double-date inorder to get to know one another better and this was the second time they hung out like this, the first was a two-day camp out where Cara accidentally set two tents on fire and they all had to share the remaining two.

"What movie are we seeing?" Hailey asked.

"It's Bahubali, done in India, a Tamil movie, let's not forget action-packed. You'll all love it." Brent said.

They all sat down in pairs and waited for the movie since they came a tad early due to Brent's constant speech to hurry up, they got talking.

"I can't believe we will soon graduate from High School, just few months left." Hailey enthused.

"Me too, it is like a good dream waiting to happen."Cara chirped.

"Have you thought about the college you'll apply to?" Grey asked.

"We both chose Yale." Cara announced.


"Yeah, Hailey is going for Business Administration and am studying Music, it offers both courses and we don't have to be far from each other." Cara said.

"We just need to work hard on our grades and get accepted." Hailey said.

"Hailey, we are A+ students, there is no working hard but just a little improvement on that so Missus Camila DeCavanaugh can take me as her apprentice, she is the best in the world of pop music, the very best I tell you!"

"DeCava wah?" Grey asked appalled by the name.

"Pfft! You know nothing about pop music."

"What is the difference, Cara?" Brent asked.

"Hey, exactly my point." Cara grinned and Brent was confused.

"I was talking about your academic performance, between studying hard and improving your grades." Brent tried to clarify things.

"Let Cara be, you can't handle her neither can you understand her." Hailey drawled in a bored tone.

Grey looked at Hailey, then broke out snickering.

"You are worse than Cara, Hailey." Grey said.

"Whatever, Grey." Hailey said with an eye roll.

"Shh! The moving is starting" Cara said.

***after the movie***

"Waow, that movie was simply thrilling. Brent you've got eyes for thrillers, fantastic!" Hailey said.

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