The proof I Needed, But Didn't Get

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I woke up two hours later with a buzz. I smiled to myself and got up, getting ready for the day ahead, packing all of my stuff into three suitcases. I ran downstairs with a spring in my step and humming my favourite song. I walked into the kitchen, turning on the radio and turning it up loud. 

"You're in a happy mood. What's going on?" Jason said from behind me. I smiled and hugged him. He laughed and spun me around. 

"I've found another Time Lord!" I squealed in delight. His face lit up in a broad smile, but his eyes didn't hold the same happiness. The fact that I was good at reading people was all part of my training. It helped me escape. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm just tired. Where's the new Tim Lord?" he asked.  

"He's in his T.A.R.D.I.S" I smiled as someone knocked the door. I leaped from my spot and answered the door, where The Doctor stood in his trench coat and brown suit, a smile on his face. I gestured for him to come in.

"I'll be right back. I just need to get my stuff." I said running up the stairs to get my stuff. 

When I came back down, I could hear the Doctor and Jason talking in hushed voices.

"I don't mind that she's going with you. In fact, I'm almost glad to see her go. She's so secretive about her past" Jason said in an unfamiliar tone of voice. I closed my eyes and leaned onto the door frame, listening for the Doctor's response. A familiar feeling washed over me. Guilt.

"Did it ever cross your mind, that maybe what Toriexter's been through has made her change in ways so drastically, that she doesn't want anyone knowing what's happened. Maybe she doesn't want a  human poking their nose in her business, so hides the truth from you." He defended me. I smiled and waited again for Jason's response.

"Like you would know anything about her. You've only just met her." He snapped.

"Perhaps, but I know what It's like to be hated by your entire species because of one stupid mistake. One mistake was all it took for us back home. One mistake and you were on top of the most wanted list. I know what it's like to be alone. So alone for years on end. Maybe I don't know her well, but I know what she's feeling." It was then that I decided that I would walk into the kitchen, a smile on my face as though I hadn't heard anything. Jason looked convinced that I hadn't heard the conversation, but The Doctor on the other hand, didn't.

"Ready?" I asked him, purposefully ignoring Jason.

"Of course." The Doctor smiled, trying to figure out why I hadn't said anything. To be honest, I just didn't want the trouble at the moment.

It was then that I turned to Jason, who had plastered a fake smile on his face. Anger boiled through me. I had had enough; I was going to tell him what had happened in the shortest way possible.

"I betrayed them." I stated, feeling the tears burning in my eyes. He frowned.

"What?" he said in confusion.

"I betrayed my people in the worst way possible. Now do you understand why I kept this from you? Do you?" I snapped and walked out of the door and down the street to where I knew the T.A.R.D.I.S would be. I could feel a lump form in the back of my throat, the tears still threatening to fall from my eyes.

The Doctor opened the T.A.R.D.I.S. I stepped in, welcoming the familiar feel of Time Lord technology. It felt comforting in a way. I smiled despite the tears, making myself look strong.

I turned to him and yet again, threw myself at him. I needed to pull myself together. I was falling apart in front of a stranger. I never did that. I think it was because he has been through the same things as me. 

"Can you take me somewhere? Please." I whispered to him because I didn't want him to know that I was crying. 

"Of course. Anywhere, any time." He whispered back. I nodded and let go of him.

I looked at him, taking in his appearance properly since I met him. His hair, ruffled into a perfect mess. His eyes, young and old at the same time- A medium brown, not dark brown, like I had thought before- and seemed to hold a hidden sadness, almost begging someone to ask him what was wrong. His brown pinstripe suit and trench coat made him look like he had just come out of the 1940's, or around that time, but somehow, he managed to make it look modern. The beaten up converse he had on made him look scruffy, but he was almost pristine. 

"What?" He asked, frowning. 

"You try to hide your pain inside, putting on a fake smile for most to believe, but I can see straight through your act. Your eyes give it away." I said it like a trance. The Doctor looked taken back. I snapped out of whatever I was in. "Sorry, I don't know what that was. It wasn't-"

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." I guess he was shocked that someone had noticed his pain.

"No, It's not. I shouldn't have said anything." I picked up my things. "I suppose you want me to leave." I walked towards the door, but he stepped in front of me, his hand taking hold of my arm.

"We're not in Gallifrey anymore. You're not going to be killed because you talked out of turn. I know It's the army training." He smiled softly down at me. "Besides, I want you to stay." He added, making me smile. A real smile. Ever since I betrayed Gallifrey, no one wanted me to stay anywhere near their family, let alone travel with them. 

"Thank-you." I whispered, the smile staying on my face for a while longer. 

"So, where is it you want to go?" He asked. I turned to the control panel. There was one thing I wanted to see before I let myself into believing that we were the last ones left.

"Can I?" I asked. He nodded. I walked over to the panel, trying to remember the type T.A.R.D.I.S. it was. We had been trained to be accustom to all types of T.A.R.D.I.S' as it could one day save our lives. I typed the co-ordinates into it. I reached for the leaver, but a hand covered mine, stopping me from doing so. I looked up to find The Doctor standing behind me with a pained expression, his eyes filled with sadness. I looked away from him.

"You'll only hurt yourself even more." He said softly, as though to comfort a child. It made me think back to Gallifrey. My breath caught in my throat as I forced myself to look at him and to hold back the tears. 

"I have to. I have to see it for myself." I begged with my words and my eyes. I could feel the emotion in my voice. He held my gaze for a while, his hand still on mine. 

"No, I can't. You're the only other one in existence. I can't let you see that. It would drive you mad. I couldn't let another Time Lord go through that." His voice almost broke, his voice pleading with me. It hurt to see him like this. Time Lords had a sort of bond with each other, which made us able to feel other Time Lord's emotions. It was both a gift and a curse.

I nodded, feeling guilty and ashamed of myself. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't think." I whispered, looking at the ground. 

"No, it's fine. When I did what I did, I had to look to see if it was just a dream. How did I escape the Time Lock that had been placed. Come to think of it, how did you?" He asked, frowning. The thought had occurred to me before, but I hadn't come up with anything other than the Vortex Manipulator being faulty.

"I don't know." Was all I said. I looked down at his hand, still placed on mine. He moved it away as I did, probably feeling awkward. 

"I'll show you to your room." He said, picking up one of my suitcases. The one with all the books in. I smiled as he picked it up, probably thinking it was going to be filled with light clothing, but almost dropping it after he realised that there was a lot more than clothes in there.

"What on Earth have you got in there?" He asked, putting the suitcase down.

"Books." I said simply, shrugging and picking the suitcase up from in front of him with ease. I think I just made him look weak. Ah well. He's just a man, two hearts or not. "Come on, Doctor. I'll get lost otherwise." I smiled back over my shoulder to see him picking the other two up. They were the ones that did have clothes in. He ran to catch up with me, a small smile on his face.

"Wouldn't that be a shame." He said and ran off, leaving me to run after him, laughing slightly. 

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