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Last time

We sat down at the table and ate breakfast. Once we were done I went outside and took my bike to leave. I waved my mom goodbey and started going to school, hoping that this time I wouldn't get a hole in my tire.

After A while I arrived at school, I stepped of of my bike and went to put it in the bycicle storage.

When I went inside I came across Lisa.

"Hey lee!

"Oh, hey Lisa." We hugged each other and smiled.

"Which class do you have?" I asked.

"Gym, what about you?"

"Yes! We have gym together!" She hooked her arm in mine and dragged me to the gym.

We arrived inside and we both went to the lockers to change into our gymclothes.

"Are you going to keep that sweater on?" Lisa asked me with a questioning face.

"E-eh yeah."

"Are you sure? Aren't you going to get to warm?" She looked a bit more worried now.

"Y-yeah, I-I'd rather keep it on." I quickly turned around and went to the gymroom, I didn't want to have this conversation.

The teacher was already waiting for us to arrive. After a while everyone was standing ready for her to explain.

"Ok everyone, today we will go run outside since the weather is so nice.

*Shit* I thought in myself, it was really hot outside. *Just try to keep your sweater on Lee, it's not that hard.* I told to myself altough I knew that that was going to be really hard.

We walked outside with Lisa while I looked around me, Jimin also had gym.

*Damn, he looks good." I thought to myself. You could perfectly see his muscular arms, and don't let me start on those thighs. *Why am I looking at that? Gdmnt Lee, STOB IT!*

I looked away when he noticed I was staring at him. Jimin looked at me with a questioning face. When I looked up again he was grinning. At this moment I was sure I looked like a tomato. Lisa saw all of it and poked me in my arm while whispering: "Damn Lee, he looks good doesn't he, look at those muscles."

I looked at her with an angry gaze while scream whispering: "Lisa, shut up!"

She just looked at me and laughed.

In the meanwhile we arrived at the park to start running, I was still thinking how I was going to do this.

The teacher started explaining everything and told us the rules. We had to run for twenty minutes. Everybody stood ready to start and when the teacher yelled everybody started running. Me and Lisa decided to run together.

The first few minutes everything went ok but after twelve minutes I started to feel dizzy, it was really hot outside and in the end, I was still wearing my sweater. I didn't want to give up and look weak so I kept going.

"Are you alright Lee?" Lisa asked.

I looked at her and nodded.

She handed me a water bottle, I took it from her and took a few sips of it before handing it back.

"Thank you."

"No problem Lee."

I started to run a bit slower but Lisa noticed it.

"Are you sure you're not going to take off that sweater?

"No!" I yelled a bit too loud.

"Hey Lee, are you alright?" Jimin asked me worriedly.

I didn't notice he ran next to me so I quickly turned my head around.

"O-oh hey, y-yeah."

He was still looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Lisa is right Lee, you should take of your sweater. It's way to hot outside to wear one."

"I'm okay! Can you two stop it, I'm not taking it off!"

I started to feel dizzy, everything was turning around. I stopped and leaned with my hands on my knees, panting. *I need to drink more water, I only took a few sips* I thought to myself.

I stood up again and asked Lisa for het water bottle. She quickly gave it to me.

I took it from her and sighed before opening up the bottle. I took a big sip and closed it again.

I was still really dizzy, I stepped aside and my put fingers on the sides of my head. The water didn't help at all. Maybe it's because I almost didn't sleep last night.

"My head hurst." I said while trying to hold my balance.

"Lee, take you sweater off." I heard someone say, I didn't know who it was. I couldn't see or hear clearly anymore.

I could see someone stepping towards me. I held out my arm to stop whoever was walking to me.

I couldn't stand up straight anymore.

My knees started to feel weak and my eyes were closing, I couldn't stop it.


I could hear two voices yelling my name.

Then everything became black.

<End of chapter 6>

Sorry for the short chapter :3
I wanted to end it with a cliffhanger hehehe
what do you think happened to Lee? I'm curious what you guys think :D
Anyways, I hope y'all liked this chapter!


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