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*Last time*

"Stop staring like that, it's weird." I said.

"Sorry, it's just that you're actually really pretty."

After that he left to go to the nurse.


I was sitting on the bed in my hospitalroom. I had my arm scanned, the injury got worse, there were lot of splinters. I was just operated and I was sitting, waiting until Jimin came. He was gone to get two coffee's.

I heard the door opening, Jimin sat down next to me on the bed, handing me the coffee.

"Here you go." He said while handing it to me.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

I took a few sips of it while closing my eyes, sighing.

"Why does all of this happen to me?" I asked to nobody in particular.

"Don't worry, it will all end one day."

"Well, I hope that day isn't too far away anymore because I'm sick of it."

Jimin started to hum a song.

"Didn't you say you like singing?"

He stopped and looked at me.

"U-uh, yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Can you sing a song?"

"But, I can't sing."

"Doesn't matter, I want to hear your voice." I smiled at him.

He chuckeled.

"Ahaha, maybe later. I'm not in the mood."

I pouted at him wich made him laugh.

"C'mon, let's get ready to leave."

I nodded and stood up.

It was my last day at the hospital, i had stayed here for the past four days, it was boring and the hospital smell was disgusting. But luckily Jimin came everyday, that made it a little better. He felt guilty for all of it altough he didn't do anything. Jungkook and Taehyung had also come to see me and Lisa came almost every day too, she told me all the gossip about school.

Jimin put his jacket on and handed me mine.

"Eh, Jimin?"


"Can you help me please. I can't really..." I pointed at my bandaged arm.

"Oh yeah."

He walked up to me and helped me slide my right arm in my jacket. I could feel his hot breath in my neck, it made me shiver. He was really close. He took the other side of my jacket and layed it on my left shoulder because my arm couldn't fit trough the arm hole. His hand brushed slighlty on my neck. His touch made my neck hairs stand up.

"Done." He said while taking our bags, walking up to the door.

I went outside waiting for Jimin. We walked to the lady behind the computer to check out. When we were done we walked to the elevator.

Jimin pushed on the button, we were waiting for the elevator doors to open. We heard a ding sound and we went inside one of them. We were on the 13th floor so it would take a while. On the 10th floor it stopped, the doors opened and around six people went inside. I was standing at the side, Jimin was standing at the back a bit on the left of me But when the other people came inside he had to step aside.

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