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Last time

*contact me? I don't even have his number?* I was really confused until I saw something sticking out of my sketchbook.

I took it and pulled the paper out.

There was a number written on it with a sun next to it.

*hmm, could this be his number? I mean like, it could also be tae that put it inbetween there, but after all Jimin said that I could always contact him* I thought to myself.

I stayed quite for a momemt and came to the conclusion that the only way I could find out was by sending a message to the number.

I took my phone and entered the number.

I smiled and placed my phone on the nightstand besides me.

I layed on my side and closed my eyes, after a while i dozed of to sleep.


I opened my eyes and yawned. *Ah, I slept good, after such a long time finally a good night sleep.*

I sat up and looked at the clock, in an hour it would be time for me to leave the hospital. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to put on my normal clothes, finally time to take these dirty and boring hospital clothes of.

Since it wasn't going to be as warm as the day before I decided to wear some embroidered jeans with an oversized sweater and to top it all of a pair of red all stars.

I took all my stuff and put it in my backpack.


I sighed and stepped out of the hospital. *yes fresh air* I thought to myself. It was only one day and one night but the hospital smell was really unpleasant.

*Now let's go meet up with Jimin* I thougt to myself. I did't know why but I was kinda nervous.

I walked to the park and sat down on a bench, took my sketchbook out of my backpack and started doodling and sketching.

"Hey there" Someone all of the sudden said in my ear.

"WAHH!!" I yelled, I jumped up and looked who was behind me.

"Why did you do that!! You scared me!" I said while forming my hands into fists.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know you are scared that easily." Jimin said while chuckling.

"Well don't do that again." I replied while sitting down again, I could't help to also smile.

"Ok ok, now let's talk."

"About what?" I asked puzzled.

"Well you know, ... why you didn't want to take your sweater off yesterday and all stuff."

"Oh, about that."

I hesitated for a while but thougt int he end that I would feel relieved to finally tell someone.

"Eh, well it's a pretty long story."

"I've got time... but if you really don't want to tell it you don't have to you know. He said hesistantly.

"Nah, it's alright. I can't keep it to myself forever, it might feel good to tell it to someone." I replied while I looked down.

"Ok, then can you tell me why you became to panicked when you didn't want to take of your sweater." He asked carefully.

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