Dear God

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"My queen" it said all i could do was stay frozen scared to move.

It ran its clawed hand down my face gently sniffing my neck as it did.

I felt a nip at my neck making me jump he made a oddly chuckle sound.

I felt sick to my stomach disgusted by the creature i wanted to scream but i held it in.

"I want you to be mine" it said as the creature brought its face infront of mine.

Its red eyes starring right into my soul its teeth were so sharp.

He grabbed my jaw and my eyes snapped up to his and he smiled.

"I want you to scream loud its music to my ears" it grunted out.

those words shook me to the core i snatched my head back.

I lifted my foot up and kicked him in the knee he tilted back in surprises.

I made a move i stumbled up and ran dodging trees as i went i could hear him growl.

I could hear him behinde me and i pushed myself faster i felt his claws swipe my back and i hit the ground rolling.

He fliped me over and roared in my face he sunk his claws in my arm and i screamed as loud as i could.

His head tilted to the side as he winced from my scream.

He leaned down and bit my neck i screamed again my throat was burning from me screaming in pain.

Then the beast was off of me in a split second. the world  was spinning for me and it made me dizzy and i couldn't see straight.

I blinked so hard trying to see straight everything was getting blurry.

I felt a hand touch my cheek then i felt gentle slaps against my face. But all i could see was blurry out lines.

The ringing in my ear got louder it started to hurt my head. I closed my eyes and floated off to the blackness.


I felt my body move a bit i wince in pain i knew i was in a car. I could hear people talking in hushed voices.

I groaned out in pain when the car hit a bump. I felt myself be nudge i groaned again and i was nudge harder.

I growled to my self "whatttttttt..."

Then i hear that things voice they call Stiles.

"Hey now don't be mean i do believe i came to your rescue".

I sat up and grunted in pain and sild down a bit in the seat from the pain. I see i'm in Derek's car Stile in the passenger seat, Derek driving and Scott sitting to my right.

I glance up and see Derek staring at me through the mirror i broke eye contact with him.

I felt something run down my neck and soak into my shirt. I reached up and touched my neck and pulled my fingers away.

Blood coated my fingers.

My arm throbed from the pain i throw my head against the seat and closed my eyes, all i can see are deeped red eyes that will haunt me forever.

Everything hits me at once the pain the beast voice his claws.

I start to have a panic attack i feel a hand against my face my eyes snaped open and see Scott, he grabs my face and pulls it to his and whispers in my ear.

"Kota I've got you remember what i promised you as kids, i will always be protected with my life until the day i die."

I start to tear up and my chest starts getting tighter by the minute.

"Shhhh... Kota I've got you just breath listen to my heart beat fouces on my heart beat".

He pulls my head to his chest and just holds men, the way he did when we were kids when i got scared of the dark.

I focused on his heart beat and i calmed down and then i broke down i let it loose, everything i was holding in.

After a bit i settled down i pulled away form Scott and wiped my eyes.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and the car came to a hard complete stopped almost throwing me in the floor board.

I leaned in between Stiles and Derek and i looked out into the road and there stood the beast with his red thrist eyes.

I started shaking and Derek tensed up and got out of the car.


He looked at me and shut the door and ran at the beast and their battle began.

I opened my door and Scott went to reach for me but i was faster and started to walk up.

Scott and Stiles jogged up to me.

Scott grab me i looked at him.

"Kota its to dangerous you're hurt and bleeding".

I shook loose from him and looked him in the eye.

"Scott i got to do this please go back to the car".

"Kota what do you mea-".

I closed my eyes the wind blew around me i let out the deep breath i was holding in.

I let it loose.

I feel the power going through my body and thats all i can remember.

Stiles pov.

When Kota told Scott to go back to the car i was shock.

The wind started to blow hard Scott back up to me. Kota closed her eyes and snapped her head back.

It started thundering and lighting the sky broke up open and rain started pouring down heavily.

The wind picked up speed and Kota screamed loud and it sounded like her body was being broken.

It was cracking all over black ink climbed all over her body the wind blow the rain harder and Kota eyes snapped open.

Pure whit eyes.

All i could say was "Dear God".


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