3. Spooky Spider

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Peter walked through the door to his shared apartment with May. "May I'm home!" He yelled, sliding his backpack onto the counter.

Thwiping a red apple into his hands, Peter popped the juicy fruit in his mouth and pushed the door to his room open.

The boy sighed and ran a hand through his sweaty hair. Peter nudged the door closed and felt a buzz in his pocket. The teen's brown eyebrows furrows in confusion as he unlocked the small device.

A text message? But I don't have friends?

The bright colors on his screen projected onto his face as his eyes scanned the phone. He tapped the green icon with his thumb and read that he got a text from Maisy. The hair on his arms and neck quickly spiked to the ceiling.


Peter threw the phone to the floor and started to take his clothes off. Not knowing what the problem was, he thought it would be best to come in the suit.

The cold air of his bedroom nipped at his exposed skin but he ignored it and slipped on the red and blue suit. It shrunk around his muscles and in a flash Peter jumped out the window, swinging through the city.

All the while Masiy was pressed into a corner, heart beating a thousand miles a minute at the monster before her. "Peter!!" She yelled, wishing he could hear her cry.


Spiderman smashed through her bedroom window and rushed through the room.

He took a quick scan of her bedroom and living room. "MAISY?" He shouted, heart beginning to race when there was no answer. Peter ripped off his tight mask and let it fall to the floor.

"I'm in here!" Her scared voice cried. He rushed down the hall and took a sharp turn into the bathroom.

There was Maisy pressed up against the wall as flat as a pancake. Her face was pale and her chest was moving quickly.

Peter felt his heart lighten when he found nothing wrong but didn't show it. "What's wrong?" He asked, looking her over for any injuries. There was no blood on her yoga pants or t-shirt. Nothing on her pale skin or in her hair.

"There's a spider up there and I need you to kill it!!" She cried, pointing to the small black spider on the ceiling.

Peter blinked.

"Mais... I'm-" He paused and made big circles around the symbol on his chest. "-Spiderman and you want me to-kill a spider?"

"This is no time for jokes, Peter I'm about to die!! That thing could pounce at any secon- AHHH IT'S MOVING!!!!"

"OKAY, okay but can't I just put it outside?!" He asked frantically, not wanting to kill his own kind.

"What are you crazy?! So it can go and tell all it's spider friends to come here and feast on my blood?!"

"I don't think that's how that's works." Peter argued, carefully watching the giant spider crawl closer to Maisy.

Her heart began to beat faster as the arachnid began to crawl directly above her silky, red, hair. "Peter!!!" She whined, beginning to shake.

"Maisy!!!" He whined, feeling utterly torn.

"Just kill it!!"

"I don't want to kill it!"

"You're the man here!"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna kill a spider!! I feel like that's just wrong!!"

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