8. Birthday

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"Cover your eyes and hold onto your nachos 'cause I have arrived!!" Peter sang, spinning into Maisy's apartment. Maisy looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes.

Peter's brown eyes scanned the room and noticed that it was hardly decorated at all, only paper party hats and a few balloons. His lips pressed into a frown as he strolled around her kitchen island. Peter snaked his arms around her waist to give her a hug from behind. "Happy birthday! What are you making?" Maisy smiled to herself and continued to pour beans into the pot. "Chili."

Peter cringed and was thankful he could hide it in her red hair. Maisy couldn't really cook, it was edible but never tasty. He decided to try and lighten the mood a bit.

"Are you making Chili because it is, chilli outside??" Maisy stopped what she was doing and let her jaw drop. "......No.... This is my mom's recipe! I've been practicing with her." She beamed, dropping way too much pepper in the pot.

As she continued to stir, Maisy's nose began to twitch. "You smell like fire." Peter smiled at her comment. The boy leaned back on her counter before responding. "Is it because I'm so, hot?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Maisy sent him a glare which caused him to giggle. "I saved some people from a burning building before I came over. Spiderman stuff." Maisy nodded, slightly concerned of him going on a mission without her or Ned to back him up.

A few minutes passed by of Peter staring at Maisy. She ignored him and was more focused on the black beans stuck at the bottom of their can. Her face twisted in annoyance and Peter furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

Maisy grunted and hit the bottom of the can with her palm. "These beans won't come out!!" Peter went to help her but smirked to himself. "Are the beans, bean annoying??"

"Peter!!!" She chuckled, dropping the spoon and can on the counter. "Please stop!!" She whispered, squeezing her hands together in a plead. "Stop what?" Peter questioned, innocence filling his eyes. 

"Stop being so-"

"Punny??" Maisy tried ever so hard not to laugh but couldn't help but giggle. "Okay, I think that smoke got to your brain! How about you go and blow up some balloons?" She didn't let him respond but just pushed him to a spot around the island.

Peter brought the rubber balloon to his lips and began to blow. When it was about halfway he stopped and laughed to himself. Maisy was just about done with the chili when he did. The red head swung her long hair around her shoulder. "What now?"

"Hmm? Oh I was just thinking, my mouth waters when I cook steak. So do vegetarian's mouth's water when they mow the grass?"

Maisy slammed her hands against the counter, hung her head, and closed her eyes. "Peter..... You just...... Ooooohhhhh!!!" She stuttered, growling in her throat.

Peter laughed and blew up a few more balloons. "Maisy?"

"Peter?" She responded, setting a timer for the food. "If you use something like an electric toothbrush and accidentally cut off the edge of something, are you using cutting edge technology??"

Maisy groaned but couldn't help the grin on her lips. She pushed his comments to the back of her mind and joined him in blowing up the balloons.

Peter stopped to rest his chin in his palm as he leaned against the counter. Maisy felt her cheeks heat up under his adorable little puppy gaze. "Why are you staring at me??"

"I'm sorry. You're just so a-mais-ing Maisy." He cooed, wiggling his eyebrows at her. Maisy was about to say something through her smile but her phone buzzed. Her red brows furrowed as she unlocked the small screen.

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