4. Wedding

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A sigh escaped Maisy's lips. Her long red hair was spread out elegantly on the pillow next to her. The woman's fair skin was glowing in the spiral swirls of light slipping through her window.

She opened her vibrant green eyes and smiled even though the fresh morning air nipped at her exposed shoulders. Maisy lightly gripped her fluffy blue comforter and tucked it around her neck. The warm sheets covered her in heat and pleasure as the soft fabric slid against her skin.

There is not a single thing on my list today. No work. No helping Spiderman. No dates with Peter. No school. Just a day to relax. Nothing can make this day go wrong!

*Knock Knock Knock*

Maisy's red brows furrowed. She searched her mind for anyone who might be coming but couldn't think of anyone.

Maybe I can just close my eyes and they will go away. She though to herself, snuggling deeper into the blankets.


She frowned and reluctantly sat up on the bed. Her green eyes did a circle as she stretched her tired muscles.

"Coming!" Maisy muttered, sleep lingering in her tone. The red head made her way through the apartment and soon reached the door.

Her tired fingers slipped over the cool knob as she lazily flung it open. Peter smiled in her door way but a frantic fear filled his brown eyes.

Maisy's jaw went slack at the sight of him. He was wearing a nice black tuxedo with subtle red webbing lining it.

"Why aren't you dressed?!" He exclaimed, gesturing to her tank top and loose pajama pants. "Why would I be?"

Peter laughed and looked at her like she was stupid. "Mais!! The wedding??" Maisy shook her head slowly as a confusion fogged her mind.

"That we are invited to??" He continued, pointing between him and her. "I'm the best man!!"

No bells were ringing in her mind as Peter was trying not to freak out. "For Mr. Stark?!?"

Her green orbs flew open wide as the largest bell in history echoed in her brain. "OOOOHHHH!!! THAT'S TODAY?!" He shook his head frantically. "Yeah! It is!" Maisy's hand flew to her mouth. "I totally spaced!!"

"I can see that!" He yelled back, trying not to ruin his hair by pulling at it. "What am I gonna do?? It starts in an hour! Plus we still have to drive and you have pictures!"

"Baby, you look fine!! You can just go in that!" He fussed, tugging at her hand. "Are you crazy?! Peter no! I'm not ready in the slightest!! I'm not even wearing a bra for Pete's sake!" She practically screamed.

"Who's Pete??"

"Pete is someone who listen's to their girlfriend!"

"Well we can't be late!!" Peter whined. "I know!" Maisy whined back. They both wiggled around trying not to completely flip out.

"Okay, do you still have the dress we bought a few months ago?" Maisy stopped her bouncing and quirked an eyebrow. "Yeah why?"

"Perfect!" He announced, barging into her house and slamming the door. Before she could speak he drug her through the living room and into her bedroom.

The boy kicked the door closed and rushed to her closet. "Peter wh-AH-what are you do-ING?!" Maisy stuttered, dodging different clothing items left and right.

Peter ignored her and continued to rummage through her shirts and coats for the dress in his mind. "Found it!" He announced with a smile.

Peter stepped out of her surprisingly deep closet and held the dress out for Maisy to see. Her green eyes studied the dress.

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