15. Secrets Revealed

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Peter fumbled with his spare key, slowly cracking the door open he peered inside. The cozy apartment was dimly lit by a single lamp. He quietly closed the door behind him and smiled.

All curled up in a ball on her couch laid Maisy. Her face was scrunched up and her hair was crumpled in a messy fashion. She looked so darling as she slept.

Maisy began to stir in her restless sleep when a shadow fell over her. She slowly opened her green eyes and squinted above her. "Hey, baby!" Peter whispered.

"Peter? What-What are you doing here?" She moaned, pulling the blanket closer to her neck. Peter smiled and sat down by her legs. "Well I promised I would come back. So here I am."

Maisy scrunched her eyebrows across her aching head. "That's really sappy Peter. You should have just gone home."

"Well, then I wouldn't have been able to see you!" He cooed, scooting closer to her. Maisy stuck her tongue out in disgust. "Grosssss you're going to make me sick with this shmooshing stuff!!"

Peter frowned and pretended to look hurt. "I thought you liked my sap?" Maisy shrugged. "Maybe. I'm too tired to 'aw' right now." She rotating herself to face him. 

Peter rubbed her knee. "You've been sleeping all day! Why are you on the couch anyway?"

"Well. I got hungry, so I tried to make my way to the kitchen. Then I didn't make it, so I decided to wait for you on the couch." She muttered, opening her green eyes. Peter smiled down at her. "You didn't have to wait for me over here! You could have called."

Maisy shrugged. "I knew you were busy." Peter went to rose from the couch. "Well how about I take you back to your bed?"

Maisy cringed and slapped his hands away. "No! Let's just stay here. I don't want to sleep anymore."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't..."

"Yes you do too."

"No I do not too."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do!!!"

"Ha! See!" Peter exclaimed, plucking her off the couch. "Wait what?" Maisy muttered, head growing light at the sudden movement. Peter easily carried her small form down the hall and into her bedroom. Maisy tried to wiggle from his arms but failed terribly. 

"Mais, stop!" Peter placed her down on the mattress. Maisy shook her head and continued to wiggle. "No, I'm a rebel! You can't contain me-"



"... I will admit it, I didn't think that one through." She muttered into the wood smashed against her face. "You think?" Peter scoffed.

The boy walked around her queen sized bed and pulled her off the ground. She winced in pain as her head continued to pound. "Am I hurting you?" Peter squeaked, using more caution this time. 

Maisy shook her head and let her body sink into the mattress. "Cuddle with me before you go?" She pleaded, opening up her her green puppy dog eyes. Without hesitation Peter crawled in beside her and tucked her into his chest. 

Maisy let out a soft sigh and tried to savor the moment. "What did Tony say?"

"Maisy, I think you should rest. We can talk about it tomorrow." He whispered, kissing her cheek. Before he could leave Maisy harshly grabbed his arm. "No, tell me now. I've been stuck here all day while you did who knows what and you said you would tell me!"

Peter forced a sad smile and laid down beside her. His fingers laced through hers. "Tony can't fix it. He-He tried so hard! So hard!! But he says he can't do anything. I'm not giving up! I'll find another way, I promise!!" She cut off his rambling by placing a finger on his lips.

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