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"Get out!" Stoick roared at the boy. When Hiccup flinched, the great man slapped him, hard, across the face. "I said, GET OUT!" He yelled, once again. The boy wimpered and ran out the shack, crying, stumbling down the steep steps. As he crossed the town's centre, insults were thrown at him from every direction.

Reaching the security of the forest, his wobbly knees gave way, causing him to fall to the floor, he crawled into a tight ball, sobbing into his chest. The boy was only ten and he has to undergo a life full of insults, slaps, punches, kicks, anything they could get their hands on. He has burn marks and scars running from his neck all the way down to his legs from the whips he got throughout his small, miserable life. He lay crying for a while, before he heard voices in the distance, signalling that he's not safe. He ran off deeper into the forest, towards the cove that he had stumbled upon a few years ago, he uses it as his home now. Going to his real home would only cause him to get beat up, he did not want that.

When he got into the cove, he stopped, realising he's not alone. His head whipped around and came face to face with a thing of nightmares, a dragon. It crawled forwards, dropping of the rock it was perched on, eyeing the boy with curiosity. "Who are you. You smell different, not entirely human?" The Dragon asked, sniffing him.

"I don't know. Wait how am I understand you!?!" The little boy said shocked. "This is not normal is it."

"No, it's not normal. But like I said you smell, different. Dragon almost." The Dragon started. "But maybe your... No, it can't be!"

"Can't be what exactly?" The boy questioned.

"What's your name!?" The Dragon asked, urgently.

"Hiccup." The boy sighed sadly. The Dragon stepped back with a gasp.

"Come, we must talk." The Dragon said before walking off, beckoning the boy along.

After crossing the cove, they came to a small cave. The boy sat down opposite the dragon. The dragon started, "There is a legend, that we will get a human that will bring peace to Dragon-kind, they will gain powers, having the strengths and weaknesses of both sides." She looked into the boy's eyes, "That boy is you. You will be called a Dovah Saviik. This translates to Dragon Savoir." The boy looked speechless at the dragon. The pair talked for a while before Hiccup started to fall asleep. "Come here, you can sleep with me, it will be warmer." The dragon said, beckoning the boy over. As he walked over the boy asked the dragon,

"What is your name? I would like to know it." The dragon laughed her dragon laugh and replied,

"Toothless. They call me this because I did not have teeth till I was two summers old, I only knew how to retract them." She demonstrated her trick, Hiccup looked at it with wonder and curiosity. The unlikely two snuggled up next to each other and fell asleep.

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