part five- A slap for you!

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"DC!" Riot screamed as she ran around the bus the next day. I rubbed my tempals then took a sip of coffee. It's to early for this. "DC!" she ran over, and started shaking my arm. I started to get really pissed off. 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I screamed. Her face went from suprised to a 'are you kidding me' look.

"You didn't have to yell I'm right here." I felt my eye start to twitch. Then Riot laughed. "I'm kidding. Can we make some cupcakes?" I nodded, and took a sip of coffee. 
"In a little. We can make the oreo kind." I took another sip, as she jumped up and down while clapping. "Riot do you have to be so annoying?" I asked as she nodded. I got up from the couch, and turned on Invader Zim. Riot stopped, and sat down; her eyes were glued to the tv. I was walking to the bunk room when there was a knock on the front door. I went to go anwser it, as Niki and Aisha woke up. I opened it and all of the Black Veil Brides stood their. I waved them in while yawning. I walked back to the bunkroom and Jake followed me. I walked to my bunk and layed down; Jake layed next to me. He held me in his arms and we just layed there. I yawned and snuggled closer to him. 

"It's already 1. How are you still tried?" I yawned then placed my head on his chest. 

"Riot had a monster VERY early this morning. She said that she had to write down these ideas that were going through her head. She couldn't go back to sleep, so she woke me up and wouldn't let me go back to sleep. He laughed. There was some shouting, most likely from Riot, then clapping and shouting. I groaned then pulled my pillow over my head. Jake laughed. 

"Who is that?" I pulled the pillow off of my head to see him pointing at on of my many pictures. He was pointing at Louis, my brother, who was holding Aisha in one arm and Niki in the other. I was holding Riot like she was a baby. We all went to the beach that day. Some how we got in this postion for the pictures. 

"That's Louis, my brother." He pointed at another picture. In it, Riot was up on stage saying how much she loves Louis.

"Riot loss a bet to Louis. She had to go up on stage and say how much she loves him. That was the first time she ever did something like that." He laughed. 

"So that was the start of it all?" He said while laughing. I nodded. He pointed to the one by our feet. "What are you and Riot doing?"  Me and Riot were drinking from the same cup, and Louis was behind us rolling his eyes.

"All of us went to Harry Potter world. Me and Riot got a butterbeer to share. We drank from it at the same time and Louis came behind us. For the rest of the day Louis would make fun of us, so finely Riot leaned over and kissed me. Just to freak him out. It was so fun, but there was some really pissed off parents." He laughed then pointed to another one. Thats what we did all day till Aisha got us. We were still the first ones one so we had to get ready. Jake left, but first gave me a deep and long kiss after Aisha left.

After he left I took a nice long shower. When I got out I brushed my hair, then did my hair. I slid on a black musle shirt and white booty shorts since we were still in Flordia. When I walked out Riot was getting dressed. She had on her black spagitti strap top, and was trying to slip on her Batman tutu. I laughed then walked out to the venue. 

I walked in and grabbed my custom green and purple bass. I tuned it really fast. Niki came in and grabbed her guitar. Aisha soon came in and started beating on the wall. Our manager came in. 

"Ok you guys we have 5 minutes- Wait were is Riot?" Her eyes got hard and she started scaning the area for her. Suddenly the door flew open and Riot ran in. 

"I'M HERE!" she screamed. Riot then sat down on ther floor infront of her. Cindy rolled her eyes. 

"Go get on stage." We all ran to the stage. The crowed started to scream when we ran out. 

"HOW ARE YOU ALL DOING!?" Riot screamed into microphone that she wrapped ducttape. Screams went throught the crowed. "THAT'S GOOD TO HEAR! OUR FIRST SONG IS FOR ANYONE WHO STANDS OUT OF THE CROWED! WHO'S FEEL'S DIFFERENT! I WROTE THIS SONG CUZ I'M A LITTLE MISS ME!" 

I started on the cords, Aisha was banging on her drums, and Niki was shreding on the guitar. We played Little Miss.Me, Cut your face like Joker -Andy loved that one-, DUNANANANANANANANANA BATGIRL, and My Life My Rulez. Riot did her weird jump thing at the end of My Life, My Rulez. We ran off the stage then bvb went on. 

We had our own signing after bvb. We were signing stuff, and it was awesome. Appertly fans knew about the hookups in two bands. Everything was going fine till some hoe came up to me.

"Hey Fakies." She was talking to me and Riot, who was sitting on my lap. She leaned over so the brides, who were next to us us, could see her fake boobs. She turned back to us. "You," she pointed at Riot. "Are a fake, that has no talent.." Ashley stood up, but Riot waved him off. "Ashley desevres better." Riot started to shake. She was about to cry. She then pointed at me. "You have no talent. Jake could do so much better than you. I've seen the pictures of you two kissing." she pointed to me and Riot. "Horrible." Riot stood up and left. She smiled, but it faded when Ashley ran after her. I stood up and looked her staright in the eyes. I hit her straight in the nose. 

"I'm not her lover; I'm her best friend." I jumped over the table, and started beating the her. "You have no right," punch "to come in here and say those things to Riot! "punch. Jake and Andy came over to hold me back. They brought me back to my bus. I ran on to find Ashley holding Riot while she cried. I walked over to her, and placed my hand on her thigh. 

"Don't worry Riot. I beat the her for ya." She unwrapped herself from Ashley then hugged me.

"I love you DC." Riot said through her tears. 

"I love you Riot." I said. 

"Forever and Always."

"Forever and Always." I said back.

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