part three- What Riot says go's...

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"DC IT'S MORNING NOW! YOU NEED TO TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DATE!" yelled Riot while she jumped into bed with me. 

"Riot it's to early." I groaned. She sighed. 

"But DC! It's now morning now! The sun is up and everything." She started flailing her arms around while she was talking. I sighed then pushed her out of the bed. She landed with a thud on the ground. Then Riot screamed out in pain. I shot my head out of my bunk and saw her holding her arm. It was bent in a weird way. I jumped out of the bunk and the rest of the band and Cindy ran in. 

"Riot I'm so sorry." I cried. 

"My arm!" She cried out in pain. Since we had no cars, and couldn't move the tour bus, so we had to call a ablunce. The intertime Riot was crying out in pain. Soon the parimedics showed up and I went with her. 

When we got there I had to wait in the waiting room. I finely relised that I was still wearing my pj's. That was made up of a Sponge Bob tank top and Music notes booty shorts. And it was frezzing. Finely someone came out and asked for me. 

"Is a DC here?" asked a male doctor or nurse. Oh shit... I got up and walked over. 

"For a Hannah right?" He nodded. "Then I am she. How is she?" 

"She broke her arm nothing to seruise. She'll be fine." I breathed a sigh of relife. "Can I ask you a question?" I nodded. "She's looks like someone in a band that I know of." I laughed. 

"You probly do. She's the screamer and singer of The Nobodies. I'm the bassiest, DC." He gasped. 

"Can I please have your autograph?" He asked. I nodded. He got out a pice of paper and a pen. I wrote him a letter and then signed it. 

"Can I now go see her?" he nodded, and lead me down a hallway. Soon we came to a open door and Riot was getting her right arm wrapped in a black cast. I laughed. That girl... I sat on the chair next to her bed. 

"Hey Riot.. How are you doing?" She looked better now.

"So much better. I got some awesome pain killers right Ray." The nurse that was wrapping her arm was laughing.

"Hey when can you get out of here?" Ray spoke up. 

"Right after I'm done you guys can go." With that he finshed. "Have a nice day you two." We said thanks then walked down to the desk. I signed her out, and we had to call Jake since he brought his car. He soon got their and picked us up.

"I told you that I would see you again." He smirked as he picked us up. "Nice chose of clothes." I hit his arm as I climbed into the passager's side. 

"Very nice Jake." I said back.

"STOP FLIRTING I'M IN THE CAR!" yelled Riot. I rolled my eyes as we pulled out. 

"Jake if we could go to a CVS or Publix, we need to get her medicain filled." He nodded and pulled into the CVS parking lot. "I'll go in. Keep her in here. They gave her strong stuff." He nodded while I got out. 

I walked to the back were the Pharmicy was located. A couple of guys were checking me out while I walked. I got the medician and paied for it then walked out. When I got out to the car Riot was asleep. I laughed and got in the car. 

"Thanks Jake." I said when were back on the road. 

"Your welcome. I would do anything for you and Riot. I need to ask you something... Would you please be my girlfriend?" He looked nervous like he did when he asked me out. I nodded. We pulled up to the busses. We woke up Riot and got her inside. Jake then took me outside of my bus and pressed me against the wall. He slowly kissed me and I kissed him back. 

"COME ON JAKE DON'T TURN LIKE ASHLEY! WE NEED TO GO! LIKE NOW!" yelled CC from their bus. I pulled away and laughed. He kissed me one more time then left. I walked back into the bus. 

Everyone was running around and getting ready for the show. 

God I love my life!

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