part fourteen- DUN DUN DUNNNNN!

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Jake and I walked down out of the Nobodies bus to see all of the bands standing in the parking lot. They were fighting were to eat breakfast at. Half of them wanted to eat at Dunk'n'Dounuts, and the other half wanted to eat at McDonalds. We walked over, and joined them.

"Come on they have coffee at McDonalds!" complianed Riot. I went to sat to the right of her, and Jake followed me. Ashley had his arm wrapped around her, and Jake wrapped his around me. I cuddled into his side, as Riot and Micheal keep agurging about were to eat at... That girl...

"What is so great about McDonalds?! Their food sucks!" He yelled. This was not going to end well... He is dead now...

"Well Dunk'n'Dounuts is gay! They sell dounuts to make people fat as fuck!" she yelled back. They keep fighting for about 5 minutes, then I stepped in. 

"Girls! Girls! Were all pretty! Lets go to McDonalds because I will never hear the end of it if we do not go." I said looking at Micheal. I'm pretty sure Riot was sticking out her tounge at him. I rolled my eyes. We started walking to the closests McDonalds. My mind started going back to that night. It had been at least 2 weeks since that night, and I can't stop thinking about it. I now had the man of my dream, and we love each other. Life couldn't be any better. We soon got to one that was right down the street. We all order, I noticed that Riot didn't get a McFrappe like she usely would, instead she got a fruit smoothie. That is strange; she also hadn't been drinking any coffee for this past 2 weeks... Strange. All of us had to push about 4 tables together way then we can all sit together. Soon people started going up for what they ordered. Jake went up for both of our food. He soon came back.

"Here you go." He said as he placed my McFrappe and McGriddle in front of me. My stomach growled by just looking at it... Sweet sweet food.. I stuffed down the McGriddle, then started sipping the Frappe. Jake wrapped his arm around me, and I snuggled into him. 

"I love you DC." He whispered into my hair. I smiled.

"I love you Jake." I said, and I looked up at him. He smiled down at me, and kissed my forehead. 

"EWWWWW PDA! STOP IT! MY YOUNG AND INOCENT EYES!"Riot screamed from the other side of the table. I gave her a death glare.

"You slept with Ashley. Your not inocent." There was a couple of gasp from around the table. A couple of parents shot us looks.

"You slept with Jake, so don't act like I did anything wrong." she said. Riot then winked at me, and Ashley kissed me cheek. All of the parents were shooting us with daggers in their mind. I smiled at all of them. 

"I not saying that you did anything my daughter." the parents eyes were bulging out of their sockets. They looked from me to Riot then back.

"So you don't hate me mommy?" she hung her head, and pretended to cry. The inter resturnant was watching us. I stop my self from laughing.

"I would never hate you my dearst child." Everyone faces were horrifed. I didn't blame them. I was 21 and I was calling a 18 year old my daughter. We then went back to doing what ever, and acting like that didn't just happen. I looked over, and it looked like Aisha was explaining the whole thing to VE. They looked so confused.... I looked up at Jake, and he was trying not to laugh. He leaned down to my ear.

"What was that all about?" he asked. He knew that Riot called me mommy, but Jake had never heared her before.

"I don't know... I think we just scared some little kids though!" I shrugged and took another sip of my McFrappe. Ahhhhhh sweet sweet coffee and chocolate blended intill it tastes like a orgasmin in your mouth. Yep its that good. Cindy then clapped her hands from the other side of the table.

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