Character Analysis: Karen Asahina

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Name: Karen(Kah-RIN) Asahina(Ah-sah-he-na)

Age: 17

Height: 5'4"

Appearance: Long pink hair, bright blue eyes. When at school and trying to blend in, she smiles all the time and plays as a "nice girl". When not acting, she is fierce, rarely smiles, wears mainly black. She's athletic, but appears small.

Bust: B

Personality: She's stoic and rarely shows emotion. When hunting, she gets a thrill, and when she makes the kill she does feel a little regret. When she is alone, she is always down. She enjoys her sleep and hates to be woken up. She doesn't scare easy, and does have a habit of teasing Laito(eventually).

Backstory: When she was five, her father was killed by a pack of werewolves and her mother killed herself from grief. She was found by a traveling hunter, raised until she was twelve, and was taught to hunt. The hunter was killed when she was fourteen and she's been alone on her own ever since, taking care of monsters along the way for money.

Likes: Laito, Natsumi, Yui, meat, cats, stargazing, music, drawing, rain

Dislikes: dogs, children, abusive parents, being alone, Reiji, people

Abilities: no special abilities as she's human, but she is skilled in hand to hand combat, projectile combat, weapons training, horse riding, tracking

Fears: being alone forever, Azusa Mukami, yodelers

Theme Song: Assassin by Muse

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