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Karen's POV

I didn't sleep that night. Whoever the guy was that I remember...the one I'm apparently in love with....I refused to forget him completely. I blinked my tired eyes open, still sitting against the wall that I had slid down. The door unlocked and opened, and in walked Aoi as he'd said he would. He saw me against the wall and sneered.

"You didn't sleep last night?"He asked. I stared at him with hatred filling my eyes. "You can seethe all you want princess, it's not going to change the fact that you'll forget that vampire."

"If you think I'm going to develop some weird stockholm syndrome you're dead wrong,"I told him. My voice was raspy and my throat was dry. Aoi grinned at me and walked over, holding his hand out. I glared at him. 

"Come on, at least let me help you up. I'm not completely ungentlemanly,"Aoi told me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms tighter, pulling them against me. Aoi sighed and dropped his hand. I hoped he knew that I would always hate him. "You know, being like this when you're going to be married to me forever will just tire you out." I frowned. 

"Forever?"I repeated. 

"Siren's stop aging at the age of eighteen. You'll be young, and never die. Well, as long as you take frequent salt water baths,"He told me. I stared at my knees in front of me. He sighed again. "Hate me all you like, it won't get you anywhere."

"Just leave,"I growled. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the chair I'd been in yesterday. I looked up at the ceiling, wondering what the guy was doing right now. Is he missing me? I snorted internally at myself. Who am I kidding? I broke his heart yesterday, I know he isn't. 

Laito's POV

I clenched my hand into a fist. Her scent was undetectable. 

"Oi, Laito. How long are you gonna stand there?"Ayato called. I turned and glared at him. He whistled. "Man, she's got you whipped." Yui sighed and shook her head at Ayato. 

"Yeah, my sister's got you whipped too, Ayato, so I wouldn't be talkin',"Natsumi snorted at him. Ayato blushed and glared at her. Subaru was standing silently beside her, not wanting to leave. I stared at him. I finally understood. Ayato...and Subaru....both of them are scared that Yui and Natsumi will disappear. Just like Karen has. My chest felt heavy. Karen. I turned and looked back out at the moon. I sighed. "Hey, Laito, have you tried tracking her blood?" I glanced at her. Tracking her blood? I wondered. 

"No,"I replied. Natusmi waved her hand at me. Reiji pushed his glasses up on his nose. "What, Reiji?" 

"Something has been bothering me as of late,"Reiji muttered. I stared at him. "Her changed yesterday. I kept her gauze, the one Subaru used to stop her neck from bleeding." I wrinkled my nose. 

"Gross,"I snorted. "Stalker."

"Shut up,"Reiji sighed at me. I rolled my eyes. He frowned. "Still, as I was saying. It changed. It didn't smell completely human, but it wasn't completely inhumane. It was sweeter as well..."

"So, what, she changed species all of a sudden?"I asked. He nodded. I frowned. "To what?"

"She's a siren,"Reiji told me. Everyone looked at him in surprise. 

"A siren?"I muttered. Everyone stayed silent. 

"If that's true,"Shu began. Everyone looked at him. He had his hand on his chin. "Then she should be able to call whoever's name that someone's blood is in. Natsumi..." 

"What?"Natsumi asked. 

"You can send your thoughts to her."

"Well I can try....I don't know if it'll work,"Natusmi replied. I walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders. 

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