Tell Me

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Karen's POV

A boy appeared when I said the name that the voice had told me to say. When I saw him, I could feel like I recognized him. He stared at me and sighed. 

"I'm tired,"he complained. 

"Um..."I whispered. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're nothing like you used to be...Laito will throw a fit,"the boy uttered. I blinked at him. Laito? That name....

"Laito?"I repeated. Suddenly another guy appeared. He stared at me. I stared back. My heart started hurting as I gazed at him. Tears leaked from my eyes. What? I touched them and stared at them on my fingers. I was standing there in the stupid wedding dress Aoi had forced me into. Laito's eyes were wide. He walked over to me, and the tears just got stronger. I collapsed against this "Laito" guy like it was nothing, sobbing heavily. I gripped onto his jacket that he was wearing. I knew he would be looking down at me in distress for some reason, and his hand touched the back of my head. I felt him rest his chin on the top of my head. 

"You don't remember me,"He murmured. He held me tightly, his other arm encircling me. And we were gone. The two vampires had came and rescued me, getting us away from Aoi. We were now at some random mansion, and no matter how hard I told myself to, I couldn't let go of Laito. Why? Why does it hurt so much? I was lead to a room where I saw my things. I quickly released him and picked out clothes. Laito stood perfectly still, not leaving the room. I didn't even care if he saw me. I stripped out of the dress, earning a surprised noise. When I glanced over at him he was covering his eyes, and his cheeks were red. He's blushing? I shrugged and stepped out of the dress, pulling on my clothes. I was soothed with the feeling of my normal clothes, the cotton fabric grazing my skin. I stared at Laito. He removed his hand and gazed at me. "Just stripping down when I was looking....what a naughty girl." 

"What, you want to see?"I asked. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and started to raise it up. He was in front of me, holding my hands down, my skin covered again. I grinned at him but it faltered. Somehow....I felt that this guy was important to me. "It's weird. I don't remember you....or the other guy....or even this mansion....but somehow..." I can't say the words. I frowned hard. His hand stayed on mine. It was sending warmth throughout me. Why? I wondered. Why does his touch warm me....yet I can't stand it? 

"We'll get your memories back, Karen,"he told me. His voice saying my name sent a shiver through me. I looked up at him. His eyes connected with mine. His hand moved and touched my cheek gently. "I promise..." I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I haven't a clue how I'm affiliated with you,"I murmured. I opened my eyes and narrowed them at him. "But you should know touching me is dangerous. I could kill you." A flicker of remorse flashed in his eyes before he smiled sadly at me. My heart throbbed in pain at seeing that look on his face. Why does it hurt to see him like this? He moved and rested his forehead against mine, closing  his eyes. "Didn't I just warn you?"

"It's let me touch you,"Laito whispered. I felt a strange urge to kiss him, but he pulled away before anything like that could happen. He dropped his hand and released mine. "You should get some sleep. Myself or someone else will be with you." I nodded once and turned, walking to my bed. Laito flicked the light off, and I closed my eyes. 

"If I sleep...." My eyes popped open. What was that? I looked around the room. "If I sleep, I'll forget him." Forget who? 

I drifted off, ignoring the nagging feeling that something wasn't right. 

Laito's POV

It actually happened. I actually cried. I didn't think such a hum-siren would have this effect on me. As I watched her sleep, I longed for her. You have to remember, Karen. I sat beside her in the chair, watching her sleep soundlessly. It was like the first night she'd been here, the one where she didn't move or dream while she slept. She's reverted completely to not knowing me or wanting to know me. It hurts. I touched my chest where my proverbial heart was. It hurts. I stared hard at her. I felt my hand reaching towards her and quickly pulled it back. No. 

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