Protect Yourself

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Laito POV

We made it to the park in town. The area was completely dark all around us, and on the gazebo in front of us I spotted a shadowy figure, and smelt....nothing. As Karen simply walked towards the shadowy figure like it was nothing, I stared at her back. Isn't she he least bit scared? I know hunters are brave,'s literally like she has zero emotion at all. Her pink hair (which she'd tied up in a ponytail as a last minute decision before we left) swayed behind her as she moved, drawing my attention to how long it was. When I'd played with it several hours ago, it was soft, and the length now made me feel as if I was a cat....wanting to swipe at her hair and play with it again. She stopped and I stopped.

"Rei,"Karen spoke. I glanced at her. "Come on out, I know he's a vampire but he isn't a threat...sort of." I rose an eyebrow. Sort of? She considers me a threat? Oh, Karen, if only you knew. I watched a tall male morph forward from the shadowy figure and stop in front of us. His eyes were gray, and his hair was black, tied back into a ponytail like hers, only shorter. He wore dark jeans and a dark shirt, with a suspender-like holster on. His hands were both gloved. He had guns in both holsters, which I suspected were fully loaded. If he was anything like Karen, I figured he'd also be armed everywhere else.

"Sleeping with the enemy?"Rei asked her. She stiffened. "I'm teasing. Don't go so rigid, it doesn't suit you." Rei's gaze slipped over me, narrowing his eyes. I don't like his's too clean. Karen crossed her arms.

"So what's the job?"she asked boredly.

"Is he coming with?"Rei asked, pointing at me. Karen sighed and snapped her fingers twice.

"Fo-cus. Job?"Karen spoke with each snap. He nodded slowly, his eyes making contact with mine. Does he feel for Karen? I frowned. Do I care if he does? I'm interested in her as a toy, nothing else. He flicked his eyes back to hers, crossing his arms.

"The pack alpha of zone three,"Rei told her. Karen hummed. "Their pack is done with him, he was a fill in for the other one." He reached behind him and pulled out a folder that must've been sticking out of the waistband of his jeans. He passed it to her and she flipped it open. "Orders are to kill by any means necessary, but to make it look like the alpha that's going to replace him did it."

"Is the new alpha to weak to take on the old?"I suddenly asked. Karen slipped her gaze to me. Her eyes locked on mine before she sighed and closed them, snapping the folder shut with one hand. She passed it back to Rei.

"Werewolf logic isn't something vampires need to know,"Rei snorted at me. I turned my gaze to him. "Karen, is this guy seriously tagging along?" He's territorial. I snickered internally. So am I.

"Actually he will need to know, because I won't be saving his ass. You'll have to protect yourself, chances are this alpha has guards,"Karen began. She looked at Rei. "Okay. So you two are to distract the guards. I'll take the alpha out. It should be easy, once we've scoped the area out and everything. Oh, and Laito, try not to get killed, okay?" I blinked at her and nodded once, slowly. She swung her gaze to Rei again. "I'll explain Werewolf hierarchy to you on the way, but you have to pay attention, alright?" I nodded at her. Rei was shooting me a death glare.

"We'll take the shadow path,"Rei announced. I blinked. Shadow path? I stared at him. He grinned.

"Rei here's a shadow bender. His hunting trainer was a shadow demon, so he trained him to control them,"Karen told me as an explanation. She shrugged and turned back to face Rei. He gave her a devilish grin as it made me want to rip his face off. It almost made me want to sick Kanato on him, just to see how the guy would defend himself. Rei put his finger in the air, as if just poking something, and he drug it down. A black and gray swirling hole was ripped into the air. I stared at it. Rei and Karen stepped through and Karen waved her hand at me. I sighed and followed them in.

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