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Karen's POV

I sat still on my bed. Three days had passed. Now I could just barely detect light in my vision. 

"Karen, can you see?"Laito asked me. His hand was gripping mine. I shook my head and sighed, shutting my eyelids again. His hand squeezed mine. For three days, he'd stayed by my side as I'd asked him to. It was comforting to have him here, and even though he was the main reason that I wasn't able to see at the mom3

...ent, I didn't get mad or angry at him at all except for that one little moment. Since the weird guy had shown up and promised to return when I could see again, Laito and the other's have gone on high alert. They've made sure that someone was always outside the room as well as Laito being in my room most of the time. 

"I wish I could,"I whispered. Laito sighed gently and I felt his hand touch my cheek. He's touching me so casually now....ever since.... The feeling of his lips on mine from three days ago returned. As it had returned almost every second I thought about Laito...which was now too damned much. I didn't really get it. Why was I feeling like this about a vampire? And...him with me. Why had his words....

"You're my siren....when you call me, I have to come."

I blushed. Why am I remembering that word for word?!

"What's the matter, Karen? You're showing more emotion than normal,"Laito commented. I heard his devilish smirk in his voice. "Thinking dirty thoughts, are we?" I nudged him with my elbow and he chuckled. 

"Just because I can't see you, doesn't mean I won't still kill you. You're my target,"I snorted. Laito hummed in response. I felt him pick up a strand of my hair. I frowned hard. Damn, i wish I could see him. 

"Your target hm? That has more than one meaning,"Laito told me quietly. I frowned. He's right...it does. I sighed hard. "Now then, you've got homework." 

"Homework?! I can't even see!"I hissed. Laito chuckled. I reached out and found his fedora, yanking it off. 

"Ah-hey! Give that back!"Laito whined. I could feel him reaching for it. I fell back onto the bed, the fedora in my hand above me. Laito was on top of me. I wondered what expression he wa making now, as he went completely silent. After a minute I heard him sigh and all of his weight was on me. It wasn't crushing, or too heavy. It was sweet....I liked it. His head went into the crook of my neck. 

"Ack! Crushing me!"I fake choked. Laito's arms went under me and I felt him flipping us so that I was on top. I knew I was straddling him now. I blushed at him, and wondered what face he was making now. God I wish I could see! "Laito....let me ask you something." He hummed at me. I could feel his hands that were placed gently on my hips. 

"Ask away. IF you give me my hat back,"Laito told me. I snorted. 

"You look better without it,"I told him. Laito was silent. "Don't wonder if I can see you, I'm as blind as a bat. You could be making pervy faces at me and I wouldn't know it." Laito made a noise at me. I sighed. "What.....what am I to you?" 

"What?"Laito murmured. 

"What am I to you? You asked me and I answered....so now it's your turn. What am I to you?"I repeated. Laito was dead silent. I balanced on him and moved my hand towards his face. He caught my wrist. 

"Don't,"Laito muttered. I would've blinked if I could see. Laito sighed at me. "I don't want you to see my face..." I tilted my head to the side. A knock on the door sounded. By the footsteps, I knew it was-

"Shu,"i muttered. 

"What?"the voice replied. I frowned. I was right. "How could you tell it was me?"

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