The Burning of Purity

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Karen's POV

I clenched my fist as I stood there, staring at the blackened and wilted flower on the floor of the warehouse. I clenched my fist. Who? It's someone I know, but I don't get who would send me a burnt lotus. That's taboo in the hunter world. The beta grinned at me. He held his hand up, and flipped a picture, one of me that had been taken with me looking away. I was at school. A spy in school? He grinned and tossed it to the floor at my feet.

"Karen Asahina. The Enotionless doll of a huntress,"the beta spoke. I stared at him boredly. "See, not only have I been hired to find you....if I can kill you and bring back your head, he'll reward me greatly!" He? I stepped back, holding my sai up at him. Silver. I need silver. I slid my hand down to my other boot and pulled out a silver knife. I flipped it and held it in my other hand. He laughed. "A silver knife. Listen, sweetheart, I don't play that kind of game." He launched at me and I dodged him, trying to slice at him. He came at me repetitively, clawing and snarling. I turned and ran for the door, trying to escape, and heard clothes ripping. I tripped and fell on my back,the silver knife flying from my hand and sliding away. The beta jumped, landing on top of me snarling. My hand with my sai came up and held him back, his heavy paws weighing me down. Flashbacks of my fathers tattered and ripped body swam in my vision.

I let out a scream, trying to fight off the beta. Tears filled my vision as I struggled. No! And suddenly the weight was lifted off me. Someone grabbed my shoulders, shaking me. My eyes focused and I saw Laito in front of me. Laito....he looks....genuinely worried.......

"Karen,"he spoke. He shook me. "Karen." I blinked and stared at him. His eyes were filled with an unidentifiable emotion as he gazed at me. What am I thinking? He's not worried.... He's a vampire. They don't feel things towards humans, except that we're blood banks. I looked down, my eyes focusing on the floor of the warehouse. All supernatural creatures just think we're toys here for them to play with. Things for them to break. An image of my father's body flashed in my head again. My mother's voice came back to me. Things for them to use. My hunter teacher popped up. I remembered his smiling face. Things for them to throw away like garbage. I am nothing. I put my hand on one of his that was on my shoulder and pulled it off. I quickly, and angrily, wiped at my face, standing up and seeing the Beta just now getting up from his position of temporary confusion. He snarled at me and my hand shook as I clenched the sai. We're just a means of entertainment. A simple waste of space. The beta, as if in slow motion, started bounding towards me. I held my sai up, ready to stab him when he reached me. Just objects to kill.  A knife suddenly flew through the air and stabbed him in his side. The beta howled, his fur noticeably steaming. And those objects kill them in return. 

I lowered my hand and watched as the silver knife that burrowed into the wolf slowly set his innards on fire. He howled, falling to his belly. His legs moved and twitched, but slowly they just stopped moving. The beta was dead, and as his blood leaked out from his body and pooled around the burnt lotus. I walked over to it and stood there, staring at it. Rei dropped down from the ceiling where he'd been and he yanked the silver dagger out of the beta's side. He sneered at the blood that glimmered on the blade and began wiping it off on a rag from his pocket. Laito and Rei walked over to me, staring down at the lotus as well. 

"What's that mean?"Laito asked quietly. I clenched my fist. 

"It means that Karen has someone after her. An enemy,"Rei answered him. Rei glanced at me from the side. "Karen, are you okay?" He knew. He knew what I'd gone through in my childhood. So of course he'd ask if I was okay. I couldn't answer him, but he didn't need to hear it to know. 

"Open the shadow path,"I told him emotionlessly. 

Laito's POV

She seemed shell shocked. I knew she couldn't have been okay. When I'd heard her scream rip through her throat it had surprised me. Considering she was supposed to be pretty strong, for her to scream like that and actually sound like she was full of wasn't right. That scream wasn't normal... I stared at her and then returned my gaze to the burnt lotus. A burnt lotus....the burning of purity. We left through the shadow path, and Karen walked ahead of Rei and I. I frowned. Does Rei know what was up with her? 

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