You Who Sings Songs

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Karen's POV

I stared at the guy in front of me. He'd teleported us away from the Sakamaki mansion, and now I had no clue where we were. We'd ended up in some random office kind of space, with a large glass window that showed we were obviously in a skyscraper. Something I didn't like being in. I stared at him boredly. He was handsome, no doubt, and maybe two or three years older than me. But he didn't compare to how handsome I'd thought Laito was. Nothing and no one could compare to that....Laito was always the best to me. And for some reason I knew he always would be.

There was no point in worrying about that now. My words definitely got through to him. I didn't even try to fight back as this guy kidnapped me. I didn't care. I don't care. My chest hurts. I sat still in the chair he'd allowed me to sit in, and just stared. I didn't ask questions. I didn't shout obscenities. I didn't play damsel in distress. Nothing meant shit to me anymore. And I think I knew why. The guy stared back at me, smiling widely. He had brown hair and blue eyes, and if I had to say one thing about him it was that he was a womanizer.

"So, Karen. Wanna know why you're here?"he asked. I stayed silent. He frowned. "Well, I'll tell you. You're going to be my new wife." I frowned hard at him.

"I refuse,"I replied quickly. He rose an eyebrow.

"Oh, no, dear, you can't refuse,"He told me. He laughed, crossing over towards me. "You see, because I know just how to get you to accept. Care to listen?" He stopped in front of my chair and placed his arms on the arm rests, leaning closer to me. I sank back against the chair. His blue eyes stayed connected with mine. "Because I know what you really are. I know who you really are. I know where you're really from. And I know where that vampire boy you love lives."

"Just because you know facts, doesn't mean you know emotions,"I replied, putting venom in the words. He grinned impishly. He leaned closer.

"Emotion? Please. You wouldn't know emotions if they punched you in your nose,"He told me. I frowned. He's right.

"If that's true, then perhaps I could explain that I do know at least one emotion, and it just so happens that if I feel that emotion people die,"I warned. He rolled his eyes.

"Anyways. Care to know what you are, Mademoiselle?"the strange guy spoke. French? He chuckled and leaned away. "A hint." He cleared his throat, and placed his hand over his heart dramatically. "And as she failed to receive the kiss from her true love, she did turn into sea foam as the witch had promised her." I stared at him blankly. Huh? He chuckled. "Of course, you don't know fairytales. Let's try again."

"Just tell me outright, Mister whatever your name is,"I sighed. He gazed at me and grinned deeper. If he grins any more his mouth will stretch off his face.

"I'll tell you on the third chance. Second chance,"He began. "And Odysseus made his men put wax in their ears to drown out the maidens voices, but he himself listened to what they sang." Odysseus? The odyssey? I stared at him. He's honestly referencing fairytales and fables? The guy sighed and crossed his arms. "Do you even read?"

"I know that's from the odyssey, but I don't get what you're saying,"I replied, my eyebrows. He chuckled.

"Alright then. I'll tell you straight on,"he spoke. He grinned at me. "You're a siren."

Laito's POV

I sat completely still beside the pool in the pool house. It was quiet except for the sound of the water. I looked up, sending a presence behind me.

"What is it,"I began. "Ayato?"

"Look, Pancake and Melons are complaining that Kitty has gone missing,"Ayato sighed. I jolted. Karen? Missing? "They wanted me to ask you if anything happened?" Yeah. She rejected me. I stared at the water in the pool. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Laito, something did happen didn't it?"

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