I'm So Sorry

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It had been months of Pidge and (Y/N) secretly hanging out. Sometimes Pidge wouldn't come to see her, that's a way (Y/N) knows there's a mission, and sometimes Pidge would give updates on what's happening around the castle, like when she finally told the others she was a girl. Yeah, they didn't respond the way she thought they would, but it was better than a bunch of surprised faces. It was alright for her, though, Pidge not visiting for the day, because (Y/N) would just sneak out of her room to see Podge at her working station. Pidge was always so busy with machinery, but (Y/N) couldn't blame her. Pidge is the Green Paladin. And (Y/N) is well...


Shiro always told (Y/N) on his daily visits to try and connect with the other people in the castle, but Shiro also felt a need to limit everyone on relationship statuses with (Y/N) as in no personal connections. To Shiro, Keith was a training teacher, Allura was a therapist, Coran was a helper, Hunk was the chef, and Pidge was like a teacher, teaching (Y/N) the basics of the equipment even if she wasn't going to be using them.

Oh yeah, and there's Lance who's tried flirting with (Y/N). The only reason why Shiro didn't rip his pretty-boy face off is because when he did that "Did you fall from Heaven?" pickup line, she said "No, we came from Earth, dumbass." Lance was embarrassed but he had a good laugh with everyone else.

Pidge always kept (Y/N) updated on what was happening on missions, like that they FUCKING KILLED ZARKON WITHOUT HER!

"You what!?" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"We defeated Zarkon!" Pidge replied, still in her suit, helmet under his arm.

"Dammit, I wanted to help!" (Y/N) huffed, folding her arms.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

"It's Shiro!" (Y/N) yanked the sliding doors open and shoved Pidge inside, shutting it right when Shiro placed his hand on the almost invisible panel on the wall and opened the door. (Y/N) was at her closet, hands on the sliding door like she just closed it. Shiro smiled.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Shiro started saying. "How's it going?"

"How's being stuck in a room all the time?" (Y/N) joked. "Just perfect."

"You have the option to leave to hang out with the rest, but you're always in here fiddling with your guitar or something," Shiro objected.

"No, you're always telling me to be careful because were in space light years away from Earth and 'anything can happen'!" (Y/N) protested, stepping away from the closet, throwing her hands in the air and folding her arms across her chest.

"Do not talk to me like that, (Y/N)!" Shiro shouted. "I'm only trying to protect you! I need to know exactly what your relationships are with the others, but at the moment, no one even bothers to remember your name! Haven't you noticed that?"

Pidge listened in horror behind the closet door. They didn't want Shiro to find out they were hanging out together without his permission. She wanted to interfere, but it wasn't safe to.

"Shiro, I want to help you guys! I really want to help you guys in this war, but You won't let me!" (Y/N) pushed the sliding door, Pidge hopping deeper into the closet to where nothing cluttered the small amount of area. Pidge saw (Y/N) grab the purple Bayard.

(Y/N) held it up and waved it in Shiro's face. "I can fight! I've used this once before! It's a sword! I've been training with swords in the training room since the day we came into space! I can help you guys!"

"Where did you get that!?" Shiro yanked the Bayard from her hand.

Pidge covered her eyes and face, too scared to watch. They could only listen.

"Hey! Give it back!"

"(Y/N), I want to protect you!"

"I want to help!"



Pidge's head snapped up and she pulled the sliding door open wider. She jumped out to see (Y/N) on the floor, hand over her cheek, tears streaming down her face, Shiro's hand out to the side.

Realizing what he just did, Shiro crouched down to help (Y/N) up, but (Y/N) slapped his hand away. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" she shrieked, scrambling up, running out of the room. Shiro looked at me. I glanced at the door before running after (Y/N). Pidge called her name as she ran down the halls, wondering where she'd hide.

Pidge stopped to see doors leading to a bathroom close. Pidge steadied to a walk and knocked on the door.

"GO AWAY SHIRO!" (Y/N) cried on the other side.

"(Y/N), it's Pidge..."

(Y/N) let's the door open a little to make sure before letting me in. (Y/N) was sitting on the floor next to the sink cabinets. Pidge sat next to her.

"You alright?" Pidge asked, folding her hands, elbows at her knees.

"Yeah, it's just Shiro never thinks about how I feel about this whole Rapunzel style of protection for me," (Y/N) stated. "I really do what to help you guys defeat Zarkon, I really do, but Shiro most likely won't let me."

"That's true..." Silence settled down for a second. "Why do you want to help us anyways? You know the dangers, right?"

"Of course I know about the dangers, it's just staying in my room all the times makes me feel guilty. Everyone's out on missions and stuff and I don't even know because I'm not called to help. I can't even feel some impacts the castle has taken because of my room. Everyone's out risking their lives while I'm sitting pretty in my little room being the perfect little princess."

Pidge took (Y/N)'s hand and held it firmly in her's. "How about this," Pidge started saying. "How about next time, depending on the mission, I'll take you along?"

"R-Really!?" (Y/N)'s spirit was instantly lifted to beyond space when Pidge nodded, a smile on my face.

"Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Pidge's neck, pulling her into a hug. Pidge felt warmth from her cheek against my ear and a red color seeped onto her cheeks. Pidge returned the hug and they opened the door and walked out.

"But what about Shiro?" (Y/N) asked.


The two spun around to see Shiro. Shiro walked closer and collapsed onto the floor into a heap of tears. Pidge had never seen Shiro act like this. (Y/N) must mean so much to Shiro for him to be like this. (Y/N) got on her knees and hugged her older brother. They hugged and apologized to each other, (Y/N) saying "I'm so sorry for talking back. You were only trying to protect me." and Shiro said "No, I'm sorry for being too over protective. You can take care of yourself. I've seen footage of you and Keith in the training room."

They stood up again. Pidge took (Y/N) by the hand and gripped it, not wanting to let go. Shiro looked at their hands and laughed,"Are you two together or something? Kinda seems like it,  secretly hanging out in the room and stuff." Pidge and (Y/N) turned red in the face, letting go and scooting away from each other, about a foot between them. Shiro gave another laugh. "Alright, you two, go play with Pidge's tech stuff or something."

Pidge's face beamed, taking (Y/N) by the hand again and running down the hallway. "Bye, Shiro!" they both called.


I hope you all are enjoying this book so far! I really like how this is going! Just keep an eye out for that purple Bayard, ok

Well, that's all for now! I'll see ya all on the flip side!



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