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Pidge was known to be alone most of the time, so no one questioned him when he disappeared at the same time everyday for the past month unless there was a mission. From his station, a couple spare parts and scraps he had had gone missing. He thought it mightve been accidently sucked into space during a mission that involved the castle or something, so he brushed it off. Pidge and (Y/N) has a plan to make sure Shiro wouldn't find out Pidge knew about her room.

(Y/N) recorded the amount of time and what time of day Shiro would make his daily visit to his sister's room and Pidge just scheduled the time after Shiro left which was late afternoon, around 4:00 in Earth time.

"You made this?" (Y/N) asked, holding her phone in her hand. "I honestly thought all the people in the castle were given one, so Shiro gave me one."

"Well, yeah everyone has one, but I made them," Pidge briefly explained. "It really wasn't that hard. I managed to bring my own phone with me from Earth and just replicated it with what was available on the ship."

"Wow..." (Y/N) flipped her phone over and looked at the back. Green and a light grey. "Yeah, I can see that you made this now." They both had a nice laugh together. When silence settled in, (Y/N) looked down, a worried look flooding her eyes, the corners of her eyes being pulled down. Pidge turned to her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"It's nothing." There was something bugging (Y/N) and Pidge wanted to know. He needed to know.

He curled a finger under her chin and lifted her head up to face him. "Come on, what's up?"

(Y/N) took a deep breath. "If you really want to know... Shiro has always tried to protect me. He's never wanted anything bad to happen to me and that's only increased since he's re-entered my life, knowing how hard it was for me to continue live without him." (Y/N)'s and Pidge's eyes met. "What if we find out?"

Pidge stopped to think. He tucked his fists between his crossed legs and hung his head. "Not sure..." Pidge looked up with an assuring smile. "But I'm sure he'll understand. We're 15, we need social lives somewhere." They shared a another laugh.

(Y/N) looked up at the (F/C) fairylights put around her closed bed's curtains.

The small amount of light in the room made it dim, but it just added too the affect around the semi-circle bed

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The small amount of light in the room made it dim, but it just added too the affect around the semi-circle bed. (Y/N) let herself fall backwards, her head landing on a pillow, arm on her forehead. Pidge lay beside her, looking up at the lights. They both rolled onto their sides, bumping their cheekbones together. Pidge blushed and adjusted his position so they're faces were about an inch away from each other.

And then something hit Pidge.

"Hey... I have to tell you something..." Pidge spoke up, a serious mood settling down on them. "You just can't tell anyone."

"Of course. What is it?"

There's no backing out now, Pidge... He said to himself in his mind.

"Just so there are no secrets between us..." there was a long pause. "I'm a girl."

"Yeah I kinda figured that out on my own..." (Y/N) smiled, trying not to laugh.

"Wh-What!?" Pidge bolted upright, cheeks flushed. "How!? And why are you laughing!?"

"Ok, ok, ok, hear me out." (Y/N) calmed herself down a little, sitting up to talk. "Because my room is a completely new extension of the castle, the bathroom in here doesn't really work the best, so I sometimes use the one for everyone and I sometimes see wrapped up pads in the trash can and I know Allura uses her own bathroom and you just seemed like the most likely person to be physically female." (Y/N)'s grin widened. "I can't believe you're embarrassed about it. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean-" (Y/N) nudges Pidge on the arm. "-we're both girls."

"Heh... great detective work there..." Pidge pulled her collar up and over her face, making (Y/N) let out a giggle. "Just don't tell anyone, ok? I'm not really ready to tell the others yet."

"Oohhhhh, a coming out story!" (Y/N) teased, poking at Pidge's arm.

"Hey! Come on, I'm not trans or anything!" Pidge folded her arms. "I cut my hair and just act like one because I was banned from the Garrison after trying to access classified information, so I went undercover as Pidge Gunderson, male, 15, no known family."

"To try and find your family, right?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah. That just seems like what I've been trying to do since day one."

"I don't blame you. I don't really get to see family other than Shiro. It's not like that bothers me though. 'We have our own little family here' Shiro's always told me, but no one here really remembers I'm here besides you, Shiro, and Allura when she gives me lessons."

"They do remember you, it's just you don't really get out a lot."

"Pidge, you don't get it do you? Shiro does want me to meet the others, he just doesn't want to risk losing me again. I can take care of myself. I train every night and I think I know enough to fight Zarkon."

Pidge grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, sandwiching it between her's. "No! Zarkon is much too powerful for you to fight. You dont have a connection with a lion or have any ideas of the machinery here, you don't know what you're doing."

"That's why I train and why I prepare myself for anything that happens." (Y/N) held Pidge's hands in her before slipping off the bed and opening her closet. Inside were different parts that Pidge recognized.

"You're the one stealing my spare parts?" Pidge pointed out.

"Uh huh," was all (Y/N) said before pulled out a device very similar to a Bayard.

"You made that?..." Pidge asked, looking at the purple Bayard.

"Of course I didn't. I'm not much of a tech person, but what I've found while tweaking with it is it is a Bayard for some other kind of weapon." (Y/N) held it in her hand, turning it over and over. "I just don't know where it came from. I found it at the Gaarison a month before we left Earth in the middle of no where."

Pidge stared at the purple color on the Bayard. She couldn't help but have think the shade was familiar...

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