Chapter 1

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RAW Debut

It was the Monday Night Raw before Survivor Series and Ethan Miller was set to appear and go face to face with his debut opponent at Survivor Series who was none other than Randy Orton. Ethan was representing Raw while Randy was representing Smackdown it was a best of the brands match and the winner essentially got bragging rights for their respective brand. Ethan didn't spend much time in NXT he had only just debuted at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn IV only 3 months before. Raw was in Ethan's hometown of L.A. so he knew that he would have a warm welcome when he walked out. He arrived at the arena and he immediately went to go meet his best friend Finn Balor whom he had met years before in Japan. They had kept in contact even though Finn was in WWE about 4 years before. He went to Finn's locker room.

Finn: Hey man
Ethan: What's up
Finn: Not much, You ready for your big debut tonight?
Ethan: You know it dude I've been waiting for this moment for years
Finn: I know bro but the good thing is that you're here now and we're about to tear shit up again!
Ethan: Hell yeah! What do you have for tonight?
Finn: Nothing special just a singles match with Elias
Ethan: Nice you're gonna tear it up out there
Finn: You know it
Ethan: So have you found any girls that you like down here?
Finn: Oh yeah there's tons of great personalities and talented girls down here such as Alexa Bliss, Charlotte, and Sasha Banks just to name a few
Ethan: Nice. Have any of them heard of me or am I just gonna have to introduce myself to everyone?
Finn: Oh for sure you have a lot of lady fans here especially Sasha she's a huge fan of your work
Ethan: That's great maybe I should meet this Sasha Banks?
Finn: For sure man we'll find her after we're done with our work tonight
Ethan: Alright sounds good you dating anyone here?
Finn: Yessir I'm dating this incredible woman her name is Bayley I met her when I first came here she was so nice and helpful and beautiful she's the perfect woman
Ethan: Ohh yeah I've heard of her she's the one with the inflatable tube men right?
Finn: Haha yep that would be her
Ethan: Haha well Finn we always knew you were a sucker for good girls
Finn: Haha shut up man at least I could get the girls you only got one
Ethan: Yeah speaking of her how is she? We didn't exactly walk away on the best of terms
Finn: She's doing fine last time I checked she's really excited that you're here I think that you should talk to her
Ethan: Ah I see maybe I'll talk to her once I get settled down here
Finn: Alright good. Hey my match is up next and your segment is right after so I'll catch you after and we'll go find Sasha
Ethan: Alright sounds good man good luck out there
Finn: You too bro have fun

Finn made his usual spectacular entrance and started his match with Elias. Ethan was in the locker room watching the match it was a pretty standard but good match Finn finally won after hitting the coup de grace on Elias and pinned him. After Finn's match was over Ethan headed to the gorilla position. Shane McMahon came out first and introduced Randy Orton. Randy came out and cut a promo and then Kurt Angle came out and introduced Ethan. Ethan came out to his theme song he was greeted with a massive pop the fans loved Ethan. He got into the ring and him and Randy immediately got face to face Kurt and Shane were keeping them apart. Ethan extended his hand for a handshake Randy shook his hand but then hit him with a cheap shot. Ethan took Randy down and they started brawling Kurt called out security and they separated them. As Ethan got backstage he was greeted by Finn.

Finn: Good job man entertaining stuff!
Ethan: Thanks bro great match out there by the way
Finn: Thanks now what do you wanna do?
Ethan: I thought that we were gonna go talk to Sasha?
Finn: Oh yeah that's right she's usually either by catering or hanging out with Bayley by the locker rooms
They went to catering first and spotted Sasha and Bayley. Finn walked up to Bayley and kissed her and then proceeded to introduce Ethan.
Finn: I'd like you guys to meet my best friend Ethan
Bayley: Hello I'm a huge fan of yours you're one of my favorites
Bayley hugs Ethan.
Ethan: Thank you that means a lot
Finn: And This is Sasha Banks
Ethan: Hi nice to meet you
She's so beautiful Ethan thought to himself.
Sasha: Nice to meet you too I'm a big fan of yours
Bayley: Oh yeah she's a HUGE fan she thinks that you're really-
Sasha: Talented I think that you're very talented
Ethan: Well thank you hopefully I get to see you in the ring soon
Sasha: You will this Sunday
Ethan: I look forward to it
Finn: Well me and Ethan are gonna go hang out for a little bit. I'll see you at the hotel later baby

Finn kisses Bayley as Ethan says goodbye to both Sasha and Bayley.

Sasha: Wow that was amazing he's so nice I probably made it awkward though
Bayley: No it wasn't awkward at all it was your guy's first time meeting and plus we all know that you have a major crush on him
Sasha: Shut up no I don't I just think that he's very very talented
Bayley: Nahh you like him you just called him cute the other day and plus the way you look at him you're in love
Sasha: Bayley I'm with Mikaze I can't be seeing other people
Bayley: Sash we both know that Mikaze is an asshole and he's cheated on you several times
Sasha: Yeah I know who am I kidding I love Ethan but he won't take me
Bayley: You sure about that? I saw the way that he was looking at you I think he likes you too
Sasha: We just met Bay he probably has no feelings for me whatsoever
Bayley: He looks at you the same way Finn used to look at me he likes you I can tell you guys should just talk more
Sasha: I guess look do you wanna go to my room and watch a movie while you wait for Finn?
Bayley: Sounds good to me

As Bayley and Sasha get ready to leave Ethan and Finn are already driving back to the hotel.

Finn: So what did you think about Sasha?
Ethan: She's beautiful man she's honestly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen she's absolutely stunning
Finn: Haha I knew it!
Ethan: Knew what?
Finn: You like her I can tell
Ethan: I don't like her I just think that she's very beautiful
Finn: Mhm is that why you looked at her like you did?
Ethan: I didn't look at her like anything
Finn: You looked at her like you were completely in love and you know what I think that you are I think that you fell in love at first sight
Ethan: I didn't fall in love
Finn: Totally I bet you guys are gonna get together within a month and that's a good thing I hope that you do she's a good person and she needs someone like you the guy she's currently with treats her like dog shit and cheats on her
Ethan: Really? Well maybe I have a little bit of feelings for her but come on she can't possibly like me back plus she has someone like you already said
Finn: Bro you can tell that she likes you it's obvious as hell and she wants out of that relationship so bad she just needs the right person to get her out and you're that guy just please talk to her.
Ethan: Alright I'll talk to her man she's so beautiful
Finn: Haha love at first sight
Ethan: Screw off haha

Ethan and Finn finally arrive at the hotel and they say their goodbyes and goodnights to one another and Ethan goes to his room and all he could think about is Sasha...

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