Chapter 4

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Sasha's POV

After my confrontation with Mikaze I drove back to my hotel room to get ready. I decided to wear a short midnight blue dress with anime art on it with white converse I also decided to put my glasses on.

About 15 minutes later I got a text from Bayley telling me that she and Finn were on their way from the arena and that Ethan was already with them

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About 15 minutes later I got a text from Bayley telling me that she and Finn were on their way from the arena and that Ethan was already with them.

Ethan's POV

We arrived at the hotel from the arena and waited for Sasha to come out. She came out and man did she look absolutely stunning I was just wearing simple blue jeans a white t-shirt and my leather jacket. She got in the car and asked Finn what we were gonna do tonight.

Sasha: So what do you have planned Finn?
Finn: Well I was thinking since we're in Toronto we could go to the CN Tower
Bayley: YES! I've been wanting to go there ever since we got here
Finn: I know baby that's why I chose it
Bayley: Awww you're so sweet babe

Me and Sasha rolled our eyes in unison I decided to start up a conversation with her and get her number like Finn told me to.

Ethan: You look absolutely amazing Sasha

She blushed hard she tried to hide it but it was too obvious god she looks so adorable when she blushes.

Sasha: Awh Thanks Ethan you don't look to bad yourself
Finn: And you call me cringy
Ethan: Shut up Finn
Sasha: Yeah shut up Finn

He put his hands up in surrender and kept driving I decided to ask Sasha for her number now here goes.

Ethan: Hey so I was wondering since we don't always have the chance to talk all the time I was just wondering if I could maybe get your number
Sasha: Of course give me your phone and I'll put my number in

I have her my phone and she put her number in. She handed my phone back and I saw that she put her name as "Sasha😘". I smiled at how cute it was god I really think I'm starting to fall in love with her

Sasha's POV

We finally arrived at the CN Tower and went all the way to the top. The view was incredible.

Sasha: Look at this view it's absolutely breathtaking
Ethan: Not as breathtaking as you

I felt myself blushing hard he was so sweet he just times everything perfectly.

Sasha: Awww you're so sweet Ethan
Ethan: Haha thanks I try
Sasha: You really are Ethan you're incredible
Ethan: Well thank you Sasha

I thought about what to say next and before I could even think I blurted out how I truly felt about him.

Sasha: I love you

Fuck I said it to soon now he's gonna think I'm weird damn it Sasha why do you always fuck this up

Ethan: I love you too

Wait what? It's true he really does love me we looked at each other and before I knew it we were face to face with each other.

Narrators POV

Then without warning Sasha leans in and kisses Ethan full on the lips. The two share a passionate kiss they both feel that mysterious spark people talk about feeling when they have the perfect kiss. The kiss felt like it went on for hours before Sasha broke it.

Ethan's POV

Wow she kissed me. She actually kissed me that was the most magical and wonderful kiss ever. It wasn't just a normal kiss there was something more to it it's like there was a spark there there was something more there. After she broke the kiss we kind of just stood there in silence until she said something.

Sasha: Ethan that was amazing
Ethan: Yeah it was
Sasha: I kind of wanna do it again
Ethan: Don't you have a boyfriend though?
Sasha: Yes but he's an asshole he cheats on me, calls me names, and sometimes....he even beats me

I immediately got enraged I can't believe that bastard beats her I don't know where this anger was coming from but I was furious and I immediately exploded.

Sasha: Shhh it's alright
Ethan: No it's not Sasha you don't deserve that you need to leave him
Sasha: I know but I'm scared of what he'll do if I leave him
Ethan: He won't do a damn thing you got Finn and Me to watch your back and I damn sure won't let him do anything to you
Sasha: I don't know...
Ethan: Sasha please you can't deny that we have something I could tell that kiss was special I love you Sasha
Sasha: I love you too Ethan
Ethan: Please leave him Sasha...
Sasha: Okay I will tonight
Ethan: And after?
Sasha: I want to be yours Ethan
Ethan: I want that too

Before we could talk any further Finn interrupted us.

Finn: You two lovebirds ready to go?
Ethan: Shut up man yeah I think we're ready
Finn: Alright let's go

Before we got into the car I noticed that Sasha was shivering she was obviously freezing so I took my jacket off and put it over her and she slid her arms through the sleeves and cuddled up inside of it. It was a bit too big on her but it made her look even cuter than she already was.

Sasha: Thank you
Ethan: Of course you look adorable as hell
Sasha: You're the sweetest person ever

I just chuckled and opened the door for her and quickly got in right after her. The ride was mostly silent Sasha just sat close to me and snuggled up against me.

Finn: So how was that kiss you guys?
Bayley: Yeah don't act like we didn't see it you guys looked pretty into it
Sasha: Well maybe we needed a distraction from you guys doing it all the time
Ethan: Truth!

We finally arrived back at the hotel and I offered to walk Sasha to her room and she accepted my offer we started talking as we were walking.

Sasha: I had a lot of fun with you tonight Ethan
Ethan: I had fun with you too Sasha hopefully we can do more and be more
Sasha: Well as long as you want to after tonight I'll be available
Ethan: How about I make you unavailable?
Sasha: I'd love that Ethan

Sasha's POV

We finally arrived at my hotel room and after what happened tonight I was ready to be with Ethan I know that I've only known him for a week but I love him and I can tell he loves me there's something between us and after I end things with Mikaze I can finally be with the person I truly love and I can finally feel safe and protected and loved unlike Mikaze. I still don't know how to tell him we're over.

Ethan: This your room?
Sasha: Yep
Ethan: You sure you don't want me to come in with you in case anything goes wrong?
Sasha: Thank you but I think I better do this alone
Ethan: Alright well if anything goes wrong I'm down the hall and you're welcome to come over
Sasha: Thank you Ethan after I end things with Mikaze we can be together
Ethan: I can't wait baby girl

I blushed at the way he said baby girl I loved it it's my favorite nickname and he says it perfectly.

Sasha: I love you Ethan
Ethan: I love you too Sasha

We hugged and said goodbye I then pulled out my phone and checked the time shit I was way late it was 1:30 fuck he's gonna beat me bad I just need to go in there hoping he's in a good mood and end things and go over to Ethan's and start over with him...

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