Chapter 2

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Survivor Series

Tonight was finally the night that Ethan would make his debut on the main roster against Randy Orton it was Survivor Series which took place in Toronto Canada. Ethan and Finn both arrived at the arena and went to the locker room to get ready.

Finn: When's your match?
Ethan: First they decided to make me the opener to start the show off in a good way
Finn: Well you know what they say if you're not last then you damn well better be first
Ethan: Hell yeah! Aren't you and Bay hanging out after the show?
Finn: Yep. You should come with and maybe even invite Sasha
Ethan: I don't know man I haven't even talked to Sasha since Monday
Finn: What?! Why not bro?
Ethan: I'm worried I'll say or do the wrong thing she's just so stunning
Finn: You won't mess anything up I promise you she's really shy around you too you just need to talk to her more
Ethan: Alright I'll talk to her more man do you have her number?
Finn: Yep. But if you want it you gotta ask her for it
Ethan: Come on man just give me her number
Finn: Nope. Gotta ask her tonight
Ethan: Fucking dick
Finn: Haha
Ethan: Oh shit my match is up catch you after bro
Finn: Good luck out there bro enjoy it
Ethan: Thanks man

Ethan walks to gorilla to get ready for his match. Randy makes his entrance first and shortly after his music stops Ethan's starts playing and he walks through the curtain to a MONSTROUS pop from the crowd. He gets in the ring and shortly after his music stops. The bell rings and the match is underway. The match starts out slow with a lot of locking up and holds but the pace picks up and towards the end Ethan counters the RKO into a bridging german suplex and the hits Randy with the bicycle knee and pins him for the win. After the match Ethan goes backstage where Randy congratulates him on his performance.

Randy: Hey great job out there kid you got a hell of a future in front of you
Ethan: Thanks man it was an honor to share the ring with you in my debut

Randy nods and they shake hands and then Ethan walks back to the locker room to take a shower. After the shower Ethan goes to find Sasha so that he can invite her to come hang out with him Finn and Bayley tonight. Ethan heads towards catering to look for Sasha where he is but is stopped by no other then the man who signed him Triple H.

HHH: Hey Ethan I just wanted to tell you that Vince Steph and I are all impressed by your performance and we're thinking about fast tracking you to the title at Mania meaning that we want you to win the Rumble this year
Ethan: Wow Hunter that would be absolutely amazing
HHH: Yeah I'll be in touch with more details later but I gotta go I'll be in touch

Ethan and Hunter part ways and Ethan continues on to catering. When he arrives at catering he sees Sasha and man does she look amazing in her ring gear he thinks to himself. He approaches Sasha and says hello.

Ethan: Hey SashaSasha: Ethan! Great match out there very impressive!Ethan: Thank you Sasha but I think that you stole the show with Alexa out thereSasha: Aw thank you Ethan: Of course so

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Ethan: Hey Sasha
Sasha: Ethan! Great match out there very impressive!
Ethan: Thank you Sasha but I think that you stole the show with Alexa out there
Sasha: Aw thank you
Ethan: Of course so...uh I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me Finn and Bayley tonight he really wants me to hang out with them but I don't wanna be the odd man out plus I figured it would be a great way for us to get to know each other more
Sasha: Yeah I'd love too! Bay was trying to get me to ask you anyways but yeah I'd love to hang out with you guys tonight!
Ethan: Awesome! I should probably get ready then
Sasha: Yeah me too see you tonight
Ethan: See you tonight...Beautiful

Sasha blushed as Ethan walked away she couldn't believe that her biggest crush just called her beautiful could he really have feelings for her? She walked away and texted Bayley

Sasha: Bay guess what?
Bayley: What's up?
Sasha: Ethan invited me to hang out with you guys tonight and he called me beautiful
Sasha: It was just a compliment it doesn't mean he likes me look I'm gonna get ready see you tonight
Bayley: Whatever see you tonight

As Sasha put her phone away she heard someone yelling after her and she soon realized that it was her current and terrible boyfriend Mikaze...

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