Chapter 19 - Wear Shoes

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Wan Qing have to go through to him first, Mu Tian Yang three day consecutive claimed her, and made her face looks very pale. Plus the inability to see Xu Ke Wei, her mood was even worse. She looks depressed.

Halfway through the sandwich, she unconsciously poked the lettuce with a fork, and the whole person fuzzy.

Mu Tian Yang eyes a squint, cold voice order: "Drink the milk!"

Oh! "Wan Qing recovered, drink the milk until finished."

Mu Tian Yang said: "Finish your meal, I don't like to waste."

Wan Qing looked at the plate of the remaining half of the breakfast, silently picked up to eat.

Mu Tian Yang has finished eating, but has been squinting at her, body exude dangerous atmosphere. Until she finished eating, he stands up and said to Zhang Ma: "Buy something for her to nourish her body!" White as a ghost, and looked unappetizing too! Finished he left.

Wan Qing body shaking a bit, stiff sitting in her place.

"Come!" Mu Tian Yang called in entrance, "come and give me wear shoes."

Wan Qing shocked turning her head, unbelievable. What does he tell her to do? To wear shoes? She is not enough to warm the bed, still want to be a maid?

Mu Tian Yang sitting in stool at entrance; can't see the situation in dining room, also can't see her surprised expression. He was calm, but very harshly repeated: "Come here!"

Wan Qing stood up, waked step by step to go over, standing in front of him, motionless.

He looked up at her: "put on shoes."

Wan Qing lip moved, not dared say anything, silently squat down, open the shoe cabinet, see inside several pairs of shoes, carefully asked: "You want wear which pair?" "

Mu Tian Yang asked, "Which pair do you think I should wear?"

Wan feeling stunned a moment, looked at his dark blue trousers, taken a pair of black: "How about this?"

Mu Tianyang did not speak, she assumed he agreed.

Because one hand was injured, she can only use the other hand. She struggled to lift his foot and still couldn't lift it. She paused, looked up at him, and her eyes looks pitiful.

Mu Tian Yang saw, feet lifted up. Immediate she takes off his slippers and put on his shoes. The next one, Mu Tian Yang wears himself, make her surprised.

He lowered his head, raised her chin, his thin lip stamped on her, and a heavy suck: "Baby today very obedient, give you a reward----wait your hand recover, let you go back to school!"

"Really?! Wan Qing looked up at him.

He smiled: "Of course it is true."

After he went out, she sat in the living room, staring at her hand. Hopefully, will getting better soon. Blamed Ding Cai Yan! If it wasn't for her, she could go back to school right away! After school, she can go to see her mother...

Just still thinking, Zhang Ma came from the kitchen, with a wallet and keys, as if to go out.

Wan Qing struck with bright idea, asking: "Zhang Ma, you want to go out?" "

"I'm going to buy vegetables." Zhang Ma said," What do you want for lunch? "

"I don't know. Or I'll go with you, we can choose together! "

"This...." Zhang Ma looks difficult. Master, seems controlled her very tight, can her simply go out?" 

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