Love does last forever | Chapter Three | The Meeting

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Kelly ran up to her room where she was staying. Kelly's thought's were interrupted by some talking outside. She walked to the window to see her new friend talking with who Kelly guessed was a fanboy. 'Wow! She's so popular that boy's are willing to stalk her and...wait! What is he doing!?' Kelly immediately ran downstairs to see Hailey trembling in the corner of her cousin's fence. She couldn't hear the conversation from where she was standing so she walked closer. "Come on, Hailey just give up and let me take you! That way you won’t be bothered by any guys who try to claim you as theirs! I’ll protect you and always stay loyal!” Kelly heard Hailey shriek as the boy leaned forward meeting Hailey face to face. That was it! Kelly was furious to see her friend treated like this. He leaned in to kiss her when he was ripped from Hailey and brutally beaten him up. Kelly lost most energy but was alright. She looked back at Hailey to see her poor friend crying in her knees. " Hailey are you alright!?" She just looked up at her friend and hugged her, sobbing into her friend's shoulder. "It'll be okay..." Later Hailey asked Kelly's mom if she could stay the week at her house. Her mother being an incredibly nice woman said yes right on the spot. Hailey was so happy she practically dragged Kelly to her house which was more like a palace. One room was like the size of a house on it's own! "It's a big house but you will get used to it." "I'll never be bored here!" Kelly screams echoed through the corridors. Hailey laughed and turned on the TV to watch MLP. It soon became night and they left for the meeting for the horror fanclub. When they got there, there was about ten girl's already there. "Alright, everypony, (yes there all pegasister' with it!) Tonight we'll be looking for

..." She flashed a creepy smirk. "Jeff the killer...."

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