Love does last forever |Chapter Eleven| Monochrome Clown

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Kelly needed to freshen up so she slowly ran (if that make's any sense) upstairs and into a random room thinking it was a restroom. But it was a room featuring all sort's of black's and white's on the furniture and walls in shapes and stripes. She looked into the monochrome room and wandered about the closet. She unlocked the door's to the storage case and seen black and white striped, and patchy outfit's and boxes upon boxes. She opened one and upon looking inside seen a rainbow of millions upon millions of pieces of candy. She went and jammed her hand in the pile and found her favorite flavor. She unwrapped the piece of sugar and was about to eat it until it was smacked out of her hand. A large claw gripped the front of her Jelsa (Jack Frost x Elsa of Arendalle) shirt and lifted her into the air. She looked down and seen the horror of a monochrome man in one of the raggedy clown outfits from the closet space. His skin itself was a pale white and his eye's were outlined in black and his entire attire was colorless and had no good vibes to it. "" He spoke in a raspy voice as if he was sick. "I-I-I..." Kelly was scared. She didn't like clown's to begin with and this surely wasn't helping. "...Leave...I have to prepare for my journey to the Under-realm to save that human." And with that being said he threw her to the floor and closed his closet. He then got out something Kelly couldn't make out. But it looked like one of those stuffed bears you would win at a carnival game, button eye's falling off the string's and tufts of fur falling apart from the meddled toy. "Oh...and by the way... I'm Laughing Jack...just to let you know..."

Love does last forever | Chapter One | Moving AwayWhere stories live. Discover now